
Story Play (Attakkatha): 


The author:

Kottarakkaraththampuran (Veera Kerala Varma AD 1653-1694)

It is believed that Kottarakkara Thampuran was the originator of Kathakali. He lived in the early 17th century AD. Eight stories have been written based on Ramayana stories ranging from Sri Ramapattabhishekam to Puthrakameshti, Sitasvayamvaram, Vichinnaabhishekam, Kharavadham, Balivadham, Torana war, Sethupandhanam and war. These were commonly known as "Ramanatam" during and after Thampuran's life. Which means that it was not formed as "Kathakali" at that time. It is named after Kathakali. Kathakali has become a masterpiece of editing of tales of Kottayam Thampuran and Karthika Thirunal. But the basics of the story-telling system are still the same as those of Kottarakkarathumbura. Though the eight stories of Kottarakkara Thampuran were popular in the past, today only three stories - Sitasvayamvaram, Balivadham and Toranayadham - are popular. Of these, only the last 15th scene, known as the Parasurama Guru Bhagavatam in the Sitasvayamvaram, is popular. Child marriage and warfare are important because they are taught in the playroom.


The eight stages of Hanuman's pre-Violence are still popular today, but the first three arenas are important. These are scenes from Lord Rama, Lakshmanan, Tara and Sugrivan. Hanuman's maritime career is of prime importance. Ravana is not seen in the exterior of Azhagiyaravan's entry into Ashoka Kavana. The entrance of Ravana is the place where one can enjoy the pleasure of embracing the Mandodari at the festival of the right. Then there is the game called the iceberg. With the help of Kalamandalam Padmanabhan Nair Asan's colleagues, the present system has been revised and refined.
Generally speaking, this is an important story for two first-timers. Ravana's penance and Hanuman's white water role. Ramalakshmana as the first child of greenery, then Tara, Lankalakshmi, Mandodari, Sita, Red beard Sugrivan, Lankasree, Ravana Kinkara, the giants of nature, and the ravans of the Ravana.

The story of the Torana war is the story of Kishkindakanda after childbirth and the beautiful story of Hanuman's transgression and subsequent desolation. The name "Torana War" refers to the story of Lord Hanuman's arrival in Sri Lanka as the messenger of Lord Rama, and the battle with the giants in the Torana (= Gopuram) after the destruction of Pratamadanam by the sight of Sita. The same is true of Koodiyattam. The towers are the pillars at the entrance. According to the Ramayana, these pillars were tampered with and killed by Hanuman giants.

The story follows the Valmiki Ramayana in the same way. Scholars, such as Dosha Krishna, have suggested that the Sanskrit version of Ascharya Chudamani (Shaktibhadran) was influenced by the Asokavanikanamkanta of Koodiyattam and the Toranayankankankam in the anointing of Bhasa. According to Venugopal et al. An example of this is that on the night that Hanuman arrived in Sri Lanka, Ravana, accompanied by Mandodari, remembered Sita and received the same from Koodiyattam as he went to Asoka Kavanika, where Sita was sitting as a lover.
When Ravana came to Koodiyattam, Sita was not introduced to the scene as she was mourning under a tamarind tree. Instead, the silk lamp was spread out in that place. Ravana himself listens to the rest of Sita. This, in turn, helped to increase Ravana's performance. Similarly in Kathakali, there was an earlier style of acting as Sita instead of Sitta. But now Sita is coming to the stage.

Variations from the original story

When going for Sita, the only thing in the Ramayana is that Raman gave Hanuman a ring with the name Ramana and Sita gave Hanuman a hotamani after seeing Sita. Raman Hanuman's side in the story is the wonderful blessings that Muniras blessed and Sita sent to him. This is based on the amazing Kudamani Koodiyattam.
According to the Ramayana, Ravana's wife, Dhanyamali, is the lunar moon that is trying to kill Sita. However, in the story too, Ravana is prevented by Mandodari himself, based on Aascharya Chudamani.

The story line

Scene one
For many years, the Ramalakshmanas lived on a hill near Kishkinda until they killed Bali and made Sugrivan king. Sreevaran is angry and sends Lakshman close to Sugriva.
When Lakshmana approached the tower of Kishkanda and made a scream of fear for Sugrivan, Tara came to him.
In scene two, Lakshman calls Sugrivan at the door of Kishkinda's tower. When I was in the forest for fear of Bali, Sugrivan comes and says that Lord Rama who killed Bali and gave me the kingdom, he should save me. Lakshmana tells Sugrivan that he can go to the mountain where Raman resides. Sugrivan tells Hanuman to send envoys to tell him to come with all the forces of war. Afterwards, the three go to Ramasa.
In scene three, Sri Rama is present. Sri Rama tells Sugrivan to send the monkey to the four directions to search for Sita. Sugrivan agrees. Sugrivan then sends Angadan, Hanuman and Jambawan to the south. Lord Rama seals the seal by saying, "Son of the mighty Hanuman Vayu, you can catch the feminine woman Sita (I am sure). The scene ends with Hanuman taking the seal ring and revealing his head.
In the fourth scene, Angadan and his gang come to Shandu to defeat a demon called Angrion. Member Angrion is executed in the war.
In the fifth scene, the self emerges. Ape heroes accept frugality to relieve fatigue and thirst from self-love. The monkeys continue their journey.
In scene six, the member regrets not finding Sita even though it is spring. Hanuman points out a cave and says stay here. The monkeys are sitting in the cave, mourning the death of Jatayu for Rama's sake. When the monkeys hear Jatayu's name, Jatayu's brother Sampathi arrives. Angadan recites Ramkatha for Sampathi. Sampathi's younger brother performs the ritual. Then the new wings sprout. Seeing it makes you wonder and happy. Then, just a few times, he gets up on the pedestal and looks around for the word. There is no seal. Only the foot (which is supposed to be flying high when you winged.) Then Sita is seen sitting on a shrub tree in Asoka Vaanika in Lankapuri. According to Sampathi, this scenario could end when others are considering ways to reach Sri Lanka.
Next is the seventh scene. In it Hanuman, the member, tells the story of Hanuman's ancestors and gives him the courage to cross the sea. Upon hearing the story, Hanuman is cursed and the child becomes Hanuman. Hanuman prepares for transgression.
Such scenes are not common on stage now.
Hanuman makes his first appearance in scene eight. In this scene, Hanuman's oceanography and ocean violation. Hanuman jumped up from the peak of Mahendra Mountain. On the way, he crossed Mount Mynakam, the son of the snowman. Then Hanuman sneaked through Surasa's mouth and sucked out his ear. Then he prepared to kill the lioness and make his way to Lanka. In the meantime, the cinematography is winning.
At the scene is the gateway to Lankapuri. She meets Lankalakshmi and gives her a curse. The cursed Lankalakshmi disappears, blessing Hanuman to go back to meet Sita comfortably.
In scene 10, Hanuman breaks into Lankapuri. Hanuman looks at the whole of Lankapuri. Finally we see Sita sitting under the tree. Then some noise is heard. Upon hearing this, he sees Ravana coming to Sita with royal clothes and wearing royal garb with the Kinkaras. In order to find out what happens to the rest of the world, Hanuman diminishes his form and resides unnoticed in the shrubs.
Scene ten is Azhajiyaravanan. Ravana befriends Sita. Sita tells Ravana that if he does not bow down to Rama's feet without saying anything, he will kill you. Upon hearing this, Ravana prepares to slay Sita by using his angry sword. At that moment Mandodari comes and blocks Ravana. The veil as Ravana is humbled.
In Scene Eleven, Trijata and the other giants, by Ravana, approach Sita and ask Sita to live with Ravana. The scene ends with Trijata exposing the strange dream she had seen to the giants among them.
Scene Twelve The scene of Ashoka Kavanika's Shimsa Paramarama follows. When Tijada and his companions are gone, Hanuman, who is in the wooden horn, is wearing the form and comes down and performs Sri Ramastuti to listen to Sita. Then he went to Sita


(The above is translated with the help of Google Translator)

Storyplay translated by Uthareeyam Team, Chennai