Oh Beautiful son of Nanda

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
Oh Beautiful son of Nanda,
come to me happily.
Your curly hair and
your beautiful body,
Blessed are those
who set eyes on you.
Oh child, if you are too thirsty,
Happily feed on my breasts..


Stage Features: 
Poothana starts playing with the adorable baby. Suddenly she remembers her mission and finds she can't bring herself to kill this charming prince. Then she recalls Kamsa's orders and dreads the fate in store for her if she defies the cruel king. She is in a dilemma. But ultimately she knows that for her own survival she has no choice but to kill him. Poothana smears poison on her breasts and starts suckling the baby. But after a while she finds that the baby doesn't stop feeding; she feels cramped, breathless. Feels life oozing out of her little by little. The baby sucking at her breasts is sucking out her life. In the agony of her death throes, the beautiful Poothana is transformed into her devilish form. Lord Krishna appears to her in his cosmic form or vishwaroopa and Poothana attains salvation!
Imaginative enactments: