naLacharitham second day

Saturday, February 21, 2015 - 19:51
Scene 1 – The Royal Palace, Nishadha Kingdom
Quatrain set to Thodi Ragam
Having entered into a wedlock amidst the assembly, consecrated by Gods such as Indran, with rare  blessings, and returned home from the brides domicile, Nala enchanted Damayanthi with charming words
As the curtain is withdrawn, Nalan and Damayanti enter in an ecstatic mood as if in embrace.  The act of entry gets completed over a span of rhythmic cycle called “Kitathikidheem tha” of the leisureliest tempo.  At the end of the entry, Nalan slowly releases Damayanthi and enacts padadm set to Thodi Ragam and Atantha cycle of 56 beats per cycle
Ah!, the one with eyes as beautiful as the leaf of Monochoria plant (a poetic fantasy), juvenile, with lips as smooth as a tender leaf, and with good traditions; The fresh youth has set in and is budding  day after day.  Do not waste any more time
(The first cycle of 56 beats shall be used for look-seeing the partner – sequence being face (with exstacy), breasts (amourously), feet  (happily) and face, again (with contentment).  
Indran and all came and put us to test.  However, hurdles have been overcome.  Hey, moon-faced, you became mine and hence, the good deeds of my previous lives have borne fruit.  Now, your coyness is my only foe, so do I think.  Wouldn’t that too go away on its own?
(Typically choreographed culmination – Kalaasham follows)
Quatrain (to be enacted as appropriate) set to Poorvi Kalyani Ragam
Having regarded the words spoken gracefully by her husband, Damayanthi, leaving out shyness, just like moon erases darkness in the night, favorably enjoyed with him.
Damayanthi enacts padam set to Poorvi Kalyani Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats
This orchard is beyond comparison, and how wonderful it is, for sure.  Nandana Vanam (Garden of heaven) and Chaithraratham (Garden of Kubera – the Lord of Wealth) are nothing, if desirability is considered, these two are no match to this. (Culmination)
Jonesian and Michelian flowers have blossomes as if the season of spring has set in.  Beetles are filling flower bunches.  The Pandanus flowers appear as if moon has risen on the pines. (Culmination)
Not a single tree seen here is devoid of blossoming.  The humming of beetles and music of cuckoos praise the Lord of Love. (Culmination)
Ah!, look at this toy mountain, appealing in all seasons, wonderful.  And this fake lake – proud swans and ganders play in it.  Nothing like it to provide delight. (Culmination)
 Nalan responds in padam set to Dhanyaasi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 32 beats (title) changing over 16 beats to stanzas
Partner, listen to me, gorgeous, to my tale before our marriage
Listening to the praising words about you from various people, though I am gallant, worn from the attack of the Lord of Love.  Darling, brooding over your body, with waves of exquisiteness, each day was spent like an age and, in due course, my desire was buried for long.
The golden swan has done us favour, and that’s the real Camaraderie.  Went in pursuit, returned, conveyed your viewpoint and vanished and I accomplished what I desired, hey, the crown of beauties!
(After enacting the respective padams, they have brief exchange and walks around the orchard.  Enjoying various sights such as, creepers, lotus buds, the lake, deers, a bird in separation from its spouse etc (examples) and finally exit as if entering an arbour (shady garden alcove)
Scene 2: On the way to Paradise
Quatrain set to Bhairavi Ragam
As Nalan was leading an amorous life with his companion in orchards, his chambers and in the boudoir, Kali (representing evil spirits) bounced upon Indran etc., bowed to them, in apparent pride.  They (representatively Indran) spoke thus :
(Note:  Even though the verse suggests that the Gods spoke first, the sense of “bowing” by Kali is taken and he initiates the dialogue)
(Once the verse is recited, Kali and Dwaparan (partner, representing another evil spirits) execute a performace called “Thiranottam” (literal meaning: “CURTAIN GAZE”.  The purpose is to transmit a mood rage by presenting themselves, lowering the screen)
Kali opens up in lines set to Bhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats
Hello, where are you coming from, the Lord of Heavens, accompanied by Agni, Yaman and Varunan (Lords of fire, death and waters)
Indran replies in padam set to Mohanam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Oh!, we are coming from a faraway place, but, where are you going?
Kali continues in Bhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats
On the earth, there is lotus eyed beauty, daughter of King Bheema.  She is said to be the abode of elegance and her name  what I have heard, is Damayanti.  I am going to bring her, and Lord, please accord permission.  I have the forces – lust, anguish, provocativeness, desire.  Don’t delay, Lord of Gods and the world and the one who is pleased by good deeds.  I shall, of course, repay this favor.
Indran responds in Mohanam Ragam set to chempata cycle of 16 beats:
The lake has leaked, water flown out and you are trying to build a dam, what’s this?  Her wedding is over, and we are coming after witnessing that wonderful ceremony.  She has chosen a noble man called Nalan as her partner.  Now, your going to the earth is futile.  Consider a bad omen has obstructed your way.
Kali, furious now, replies in lines set to Bhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats, at a faster pace
Shame, you all were watching avidly like dolls, she came with a determined mind, amidst the huge assembly, and wed a human worm!  Walking up and down – that;s your benefit.  I am burning in anguish.  No doubt, I shall create a fray between them and separate them; they shall be landless, and that’s an unshakeable vow.
Both Kali and Dwaparan enact taking the oath; Indran exits.
Quatrain set to Sourashtram Ragam
Aware of the splendor of Damayanti, fortune of Nala and now listening to Indran’s words, unable to tolerate, Kali spoke to Dwaparan
Kali enacts lines set to Sourashtram Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats:
We should confrot him, without losing our way.  Tell me Dwaparan, a faultless plan to deceive Nalan.
Dwaparan replies, Sourashtram Ragam & chempata cycle of 8 beats
He, King Nalan, is very powerful.  And, now almost invincible by the blessings of Indran.  None should aspire to win in a battle with him.
There is one Pushkaran, born in the same family.  We should change him morally by incitement.  He would suffice to defeat Nalan in the game of dice, take over all wealth and subjects and send him on exile to woods.
After the padam, they have a brief exchange and Dwaparan exits.  Kali, unable to enter the land of Nishadham, since the land was ruled by a pious king and he could influence only sinful places.  After many years, during which Nala and Damayanti have two children, once, Kali sees Nalan doing away with a ritual of washing his feet before prayers of dusk (Sandhya Vandanam).  He sees this as an opportunity, and proceed to meet with Pushkaran accompanied by Dwaparan.
Scene 3; Pushkaran’s Chambers
Quatrain recited in Dhanyaasi Ragam
Influenced by anger and envy, Kali with Dwaparan, went to the Earth and prompted foolish Pushakaran to steal wealth, which would ruin Pushkaran
Pushkaran is seated and Kali/Dwaparan enter, the process of entry and greeting consuming a rhythmic cycle of “Kitathikidheem tha”
Pushkaran opens up in padam set to Dhanyaasi Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats 
May I please know who have come to me,  Tell me clearly (Culmination)
Though I do not know you, seeing someone facing me, gives me a swift delight  (Culmination) 
People of the land go to Nalan and he fulfills what they need.  None from faraway vists me (Culmination)
I do not possess land or city or other symptoms of a king and neither do I own a force to conquer valorour but unfriendly.  The only advantage I have is to be Kshatriya (being from a Royal Family) (Culmination)
Nevertheless, why I should I speak all these for you? Nalan has one duty and I have others.  What can I do for you? (culmination)
Kali provocates by lines set to Asaavery/Varaali Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats/cycle
Pushkaran, do not waste your life.  There is nothing impossible for anyone, listen, with my assistance.  What’s the difference between Nalan and you here?  Overthrow him and rule the land
Now, ver candidly shall I tell you who I am.  In fact, there is none who doesn’t know me in the world.  I’m Kali, an adversary to Nalan,  I,m your friend.  I promise you his land, come, play game of dice and have it
Wait, in my opinion, victory is yours for sure.  What if you do not have a stake to bet?  Put me at stake.  Take over the wealth, grains and land and send him on exile!!
They have a further gesticulated exchange.  Ensuring that he would have the friendship aid from Kali, Pushakaran proceeds to Nalan’s abode to challenge him for a game of dice.
Scene 4: Nalan’s Palace
Quatrain set to Vekata Ragam
Encouraged thus by Kali, the ill-minded Pushkara, as if to become a comet for the land of Nishadha kingdom, not realizing his childishness, spoke to Nalan challengingly 
Pushkaran positions himself on the stool, lowers the curtain and then jumps to the floor to enact entry.  He finds out the place Nalan was residing with Damayanti and challenges
Enacts lines set to Vekata Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats/cycle
Hey, the son of Veerasena and the wild fire to the forest of enemies, talking to ladies in seclusion is not befitting a valorous person (Culmination)
Don’t hesistate, King, come and comfront me in the game of dice.  This, in fact would bring fame.  The game is evolved by Lord Brahma and no foulplay is involved (Culmination)
Listen to me, this beloved bull of mine is my stake, what’s yours ? Chariots, troupe, knights?  Come on, exhibit. (Culmination)
After culminating the padam, he executes a typically choreographed steps called “Naliratti” to transmit the excitement and challenges.  Nalan enters with Damayanti.  Realizes it was Pusharan who challenged him, tries to discourage through the following padam
Nalan enacts lines set to Bhairavi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 8 beats
I know the truth about you, Pushkaran, and your capabilities
Think who you are, am I the one you found as a match?  You have lost to rationalize low from high.  I am elder and you are my younger brother
Is it appropriate to utter obscenities and challenge for a game of dice?  However, I do not seek lowliness and shall not leave  the ground till play lasts.  Stupid, come for the game.  If downfall comes, that will be swalloed and if victorious, that shall be abundant, If you are sure about it, I have no objection.
To Damayanti (at a lower tempo): Hey, daughter of Vidarbha, gorgeous, my love, charming, It is not tough to exist to the wishes of partner.  This man has come to cheat, he has no competence.  Hey lovely, come and watch the match.  Dodging would bring me disgrace.
Nalan and Pushkaran seat themselves for the game and as the commence arranging the pawns, verse:
Set to Panthuvarali Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats 
Influenced by evil spirits (Kali), Nalan, even after consistant scoring by Pushkaran, was not dither and continued with the game. He was not even bothered to console his weeping wife, thinking, “Oh! God, what’s this”;   he doesn't care for the officials and subjects, who approached him for  matters concerning the kingdom
Padam set to Panthuvarali Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats; Nalan:
The game of dice is invented by the Gods for entertainment.  Who’s not interested in it among, Gods, Demons and Humans?
(The game commences, and Nalan concedes defeat)
Pushkaran, lines set to Shanmukhapriya Ragam, Panchari cycle of 6 beats:
Now, bet your stake and play, no jokes.  Oh! You lost?  Your aspirations have gone with the wind? If not, speak out, what’s your stake?
Nalan: Panthuvarali Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats:
The transports, all the wealth, cows and all I am staking.  Telling you this, no cheat, hey Pushkaran!
The game continues and Nalan continues to concede defeat
Pushkaran, thrilled , says lines set to Kedaragowlam Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats:
Curse of Gods have befallen on you.  Still not devoid of pride?  Now, in the next game, if you lose, proceed to jungles on exile and the victorious shall have the kingdom
They play again, Nalan conceded defeat and,
Quatrain recited in Khandaram Ragam (enact as if game is continuing)
Not concerned about food, doing away with sleep even in the night, not speaking to near ones, day in and day out, Damayanthi, constantly weeping at the doorstep, (the game continued) and apart from Nalan, Pushkaran and that bull, there was not a fourth person there
IThe final game is played, animatedly Pushkaran enacts the verse recited in Kedaragoulam Ragam
Nalan looses, bets more stakes and continued playing pawns.  Pushakaran was all smiles and the bull, enjoying.  Would the destiny be changed?  Pushkaran, grabbed the wealth and kingdom and spoke thus to Nalan
Game comes to an end, Nalan totally defeated.  The victorious Pushkaran chases away Nalan to the woods
Lines set to Kedaragoulam Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats
Don’t have any apprehensions about this, I repeat, do not have.  Quitely proceed to the woods.  If you prefer to stay here, be prepared for the disgrace and insulting words. Listen, you are no more the ruler of Nishadha, I am.  You shall have no more right over the land and even if you have offsprings, they would never be given any rights.  My fortune has been attained legitimately and my son shall hereditarily take it over.  No need to tell in detail, the royal gown and ornaments that you wear belong to me.  You can’t take the beautiful Damayanthi also.  To come to that, even Bhaimi (daughter of Bheema) would suit to me like the Bhoome (the kingdom)
Nala enacts removal of the crown in total submissiveness and quietly exists holding Damayanthi (The percussions would be silenced for the moment)
Pushkaran, with more vigour,  gives his first orders as the ruler, enacting lines set to Kedaragoulam Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats, at a faster tempo:
The subjects dwelling in the land including the urban noble men and rural residents shall adhere to my orders henceforth.  Do not have any link with Nalan.  Do not regard him, the shameless.  Never render him clothes or grain.  Defaulters shall, no doubt, would attract my dislike.
Thrilled at the victory, Pushkaran exits, after executing typically choreographed culminating steps called Naaliratty, to transmit the excitedness.
Scene 5, Deep Forest
Quatrain set to Khandaram Ragam 
Though under the influence of evil spirits (Kali), concered about disgrace, conceding his ornaments to him (Pushkaran), leaves his abode clad in a piece cloth, accompanied by Damayanthi, who had already (foreseeing the danger) dispatched her two offsprings to her parents through Varshneya (an aide).  Concerned about the current state of hunger and scarcity, he ruminated.
(Nalan and Damayanthi are seated in the centre of the podium;
Nalan enacts padam set to Khandaram Ragam, chempata cycle of 16 beats at a slow tempo
What more could I resort to?  The kith and kin have taken enmity with me.  Is it because my devotion to Lord Shiva has diminished?  What’s the cause for such a grief to fall on me?
Pushkaran won the palace and the subjects, the power and fresh prosperity.  His moves were thoughtful and planned, considering within myself.  This has become my current state affairs.  Has the devotion to Lord Shiva vanished from me?
Hey, Lovely, beautiful, noble, chaste Damayanthi, juvenile, the pearl of beauty,  you are getting worn out.  Depending on me, Nalan, who has gone crazy,  would be like jasmine sprayed with hot water taking the support of a decaying tree and you would die of hunger.
Some golden, goodlooking birds are approaching.  For a meal, I shall trap them cleverly.  But how, oh! Yes, I shall remove this only piece of cloth and set as a trapping net.
Nalan enacts removal of the cloth and spreading.  A bird (representing many) flies in, picks up the cloth, speaks with a mocking dance
Padam set to Surutti Ragam 
Your wish is futile, hey Nalan. After losing all your wealth, you are putting in these efforts, without shame!!
Dirty-hearted, we are not birds.  You could’nt kill us.  We are the clever dice pawns,, who cheated you, know that.
With the completion, the bird(s) exits
Verse set to Gouleepanthu Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats, at a slow pace
When the birds have taken away the clothe and vanished into the sky, Nalan was stricken with agony concerned about his current state and stayed put.  Accompanied by companion, he wandered here and there in the jungle.  As the night fell, seeing a dais, went and seated himself on it with worried heart.
(Nalan enacts the spirit of the verse recited and proceeds with Padam)
Set to Gouleepanthu Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats/cycle 
Never, have I thought a day would come to tell this tale.  Has Lord Shiva withdrawn his mercy towards me?  Is this the outcome of the great blessings of the Lord of Gods?  
Darling Damayanthi, daughter of King Bheema, listen, I have become incapable to protect you.  My anguish is not about just one thing and I cannot make it clear.  You, look after both me and you.
Damayanti, padam set to Anandabhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats:
I could live with hunger and thirst, hey noble one, listen, oh! my dear, my heart.  I shall knead your limbs and join with your body.  Would it be that compatibility of our stars false?
Nalan replies in lines set to gouleepanthu Ragam and Chempata cycle of 8 beats and slowing down to 16 beats while addressing Damayanthi directly
Isn’t this jungle frightening? (Bringing down the tempo), here, look at the clear way.  For sure, proceeding through this a little, you would reach river Payoshni.  Lovely one, Kundinam, your hometown, is not far from there.
However, Damayanthi refuses to return to Kundinam without Nalan.  They sit over the dais.  Exhausted, Damayanthi falls asleep his lap.  Nala engages himself in deep thought.  Overcome by his own thoughts and the effect of Kali, he reluctantly tears a piece of cloth from Damayanthi’s gown, abandons her and leaves.
Verse set to Punnagavaraali Ragam
Realizing that Damayanthi would not leave her husband behind in this state of danger, crazy also due to the influence of evil spirits, tore half of what she was wearing ( to cover his own nakedness ) and deserted her in the middle of the night.
Damayanthi awakens and not finding Nalan, is shocked;
Enacts padam set to Punnaagavarali Ragam and Thriputa cyle of 7 beats, at a slow tempo
Tired and exhausted I had fallen asleep.  Stop this playing around with me.  There is no limit to my anxiety.  Hey, Nala, dear, why are are you hiding?  
(suspecting that he might have gone in search of the cloth taken away by the birds),
In search of the garment, you have walked away, leaving me behind?  You are in west, east, north or south?  Sure, I do know your mind, I shall not leave you.  You might have thought that I would go elsewhere, if you leave me.
The rhythmic cycle changes to Muriyatantha of 7 beats at a faster tempo,
My husband has been influenced by an evil spirit.  He behaves same with the wealth and me because of that.  May that cheat fall in enflamed fire!!
Coming in terms with reality, she exits as if to wander in search of safety
Scene 6:  Thick Forest, Abode of a forest dweller (hereinafter referred to as “Kattalan”
Qutrain set to Nathanamakriya Ragam
That queen loitered in the thick woods , weeping , worried , in anguish, in exhaustion and in darkness through several trails.  Her screams were heard by a forest dweller .
Kattalan performs Thiranottam . As described earlier, This “Curtain Gaze” act is to present the current mood of such characters . Subsequently, he appears as if in sleep.  Enacts hearing of a sound and wakes after a couple of attempts.
Padam set to Nathanamakriya Ragam and chempata of 8 beats
What’s this clamor coming out from this deep forest?  Can’t know the reality, staying far.  I should go near and check out.  To go into the thick jungle and search, even I would have profuse fear.  However, to deal with the darkness of night, the Sun god is about rise.  Remaining here would be termed as cowardice.  With bow, arrows and sword, I shall go in proximity in order to learn the truth.  I shall leave out crookedness and behave aptly.
(Listening to the screams of Damayanthi)
Only playback singing, padam set to PunnaagavaraLi Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats.
Alas!, My companion, ocean of kindness, where have you gone leaving me behind?  I am immersed in a wave of helplessness, now.
Kattalan enacts lines set to Nathanamakriya ragam and chempata of 8 beats per cycle
Hearing the sweetness of voice, it is to be ascertained that it belongs to a lady.  I shall go near casually and ask her who she is.  (Seeing her), visible amidst the trees, goodness, what a beauty!  On whose parting is she weeping?  By what strategy can I attract her? She is naturally beautiful.  She is worthy of being seen in close quarters.  What a structure, she would overcome Rambha’s (a fairy). Who is the fortunate to suck on her lipe?  Who is this divine beauty, sweetness personified?
Damayanthi enters with a python swallowing her feet (the spirit is that Kattalan has reached near her)
Damayanthi enacts padam set to Punnaagavaraali Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats/cycle
My leg has been grasped by a serpent, dear; my inner sense is going weird.  Hey, brave one, should you learn about my demise, remember me with love. 
Kattalan goes near her and speaks to her in padam set to Nathanamakriya Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats, at a slower tempo:
Without kith and kin , hey the one, entrapped in the depth of the jungle, you are definitely one to live in happiness, hey beauty.  Don’t feel shy, I dwell in the forests.  Whoever (I am), would anyone else arrive to save you, even if you cry?  Stay taking support of my shoulders, I shall kill this serpent, hey well structured.  When in danger, no question of asking cast and creed and worry about unouchability.  (Killing the snake), Look, the serpent has been killed, hey the very spirit of loveliness!!
Damayanthi thanks Kattalan in lines set to Punnagavarali Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats/cycle
Caught by the snake, I was scared and my body trembled in fear.  That me has been saved by you.  Now, you may go as you like.  There is no return favor for redeeming a life, other than plentifull virtuousness.
Kattalan replies in padam set to Madhymaavathi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats: 
Ah! Pretty, how could I go away just like that? 
I have something else in mind, listen to what it is and concur to that 
Even I am in distress.  Haved mercy in me.  Hey, beauty, why are you up to such things?  Hey, the crown of ladies, kid, the good persona have assembled in you and shine.  It so, it would come to mean that praiseworthiness was left unrecognized.
The Lord of Love has turned out to be my foe.  He attacks me in several ways to conquer!  And you need not go here and there and fade out yourself.  Suspision would lead you nowhere.  Mind there and sight here!!  (No need of staying that way, keep yourself here by body and mind) Now, you tell where would you go?
I have a well constructed house, built without any leaks, with proper walls.  Let’s survive there together.  What you about the pleasure of jungle life.  Even God favors togetherness! Don’t you consider? we are a good match!!
Damayanthi, aghast, speaks out through padam set to Saveri Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats/cycle (as if in soliloquy)
Oh, god, Oh! The Lord of Nishadha 
What else could be more shocking?  You abandoned your own position and me, hey, King.  Didn’t see you for long and was trying to seek you.  Came into the mouth of serpent, but did not die.  In isolation, this forest dweller has approached me.  How should I deal with this stupid?  Even if I speak, would he heed to it? 
“Lady, who tries to disturb your chastity shall be burnt alive” -  I have this blessing from from Lord Indran.  May that be my savior now!!
Scene 7; Deep Forest
Quatrain set to Dwijavanthi Ragam
With the words, left incompleted by Damayanthi, he (Kattalan) was burnt to ashes and the remnants flew like dust, due to the power of her curse.  She thanked God Indran and the rest faithfully.  The Rishis (in whose abodes, she might have found some solace while wandering), consoled her
As the curtain is withdrawn, Damayanthi is seated in the centre and padam begins immediately, 
Set to Dwijavanthi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats (Soliloquy)
Whom could I express all about my agony?  God, oh! God---
Dame’s heart is made of timber, so say some.  Others say it’s rock
“Like in past, your mate would wear the king’s crown, coax you and keep you on the shoulders” – so said the Rishis.  (Hence), I shall continue searching for him.  Wouldn’t I find a way?  Sure, I shall seek out a way and do accordingly.
(Walking and seeing some people),
Ah!, at last I have come to the end of the forest and here, there is a river.  A lot of people are found on either shores of the river.  Let me go and find out who they are and I will go with them
(Gesticulates conveying that she was proceeding near to the strangers to find out who they are, and exits)
Scene 8, By the Shores of a river
Quatrain set to Kalyaani Ragam
Deciding thus and as she went near to a group of people crossing the river, they started talking to themselves, “who’s she?”, “a crazy one”, sais some, “No, she’s just a wanderer”, some others.  Watching her expressive face, the gentle leader of those gypsy merchants, asked her.
As the curtain is withdrawn, the gypsy merchants are on their way with their merchantile goods and on the left, Damayanti is approaching.  They see each other and exchange pleasantries in a span of two rhythmic cycles called “Kitathikidheem tha” and then,
The leader of the merchants (hereinafter called Sarthavahan) opens up in Kalyani Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats:
Deer-eyed pearl of a lady, hey, lovely one, may good things be with you.  It’s a surprise that you are wandering here all alone!
You are the crown of gorgeousness and why are you so shabbily dressed, pity.   You mistreated by anyone?  Or frightened by anyone? Tell me.  It’s clear, without words, that you have been abandoned by your partner.  However, if you speak out what is is all about, I shall render assistance
Damayanthy replies with padam set to Mukhaari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
The one who has accomplished numerous acts of worships to gods (called “Aswamedha Yaagam”), the one who is “Tree of the Heaven” (Kalpavruksham), the king of Kings, and the one who has conquered all the enemies Bheeman is my father,.  The one who was defeated in a deceitful game of dice, king of Nishadha is my beloved husband.  While touring around, he abandoned me, have lost rationality of mind.  Not finding my partner, I am loitering around the forest for long.
Sarthavahan, named Suchi, responds via padam set to Kalyani Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
“Shall bear the extreme sorrow”, thinking so, Nalan, the ruler of the land, might have walked away from danger.  Whatever be, try to forget misery (happened so far) and hey, the one with cloud-thick mane, somehow guard your physique.  I, Suchi, a merchant, shall tell you a considered idea for your safety.  Take shelter with the ruler of Chedi Kingdom, he protect you and that will solve your current gloomy state of affairs.
Damayanthi responds with padam set to Mukhari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats 
He (Nalan), is definitely no crook, on the contrary, friend of the grieved.  His physique and words are equally appealing.  Hey, merchant, what you said is true and I have decided accordingly. Hence, I shall accompany you without fear and shall wait to meet with the ideal king (Nalan).
As they traverse and reach near the royal residence of Chedi Kingdom, Sarthavahan (Suchi) concludes in padam set to Kalyani Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
The one, who with the power of his arms exterminated foes, the light of kingly clan, courageous and witful Subahu – Here is his home, shining like heaven that came down to earth;  You may remain here happily;  We are taking leave of you, since we are on the look out for more earnings (being businessmen).
Scene 9, Royal chambers of the Queen of chedi
Quatrain set to Balahari Ragam
Accompanying the merchants, she (Damayanthi) arrived at the residence of the ruler of Chedi kingdom.  Seeing the half naked visitor, the queen spoke to her.
Queen is seated, Damayanthi enters from the left, bows and commences pada, the performance of entry being executed in a span of rhythmic cycle called “Kitathikidheem tha”
The queen welcomes in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
You, a goddess, ? a fairy, hey beauty? Tell me who you are.  Such a sweet frame on the earth?  Never have I seen before nor heard about.
Damayanthi replied in padam set to Shankarabharanam Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
Neither a goddess, nor a fairy, let me explain truthfully, hey virtuous lady, listen.  I am borne to a Royal Family, but now have been separated from hushand and hence grieving.
The queen responds in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cyc,e of 16 beats  
What’s the reason behind your husband seperating  you and leaving, hey round bosomed, speak out the fact.
Damayanthi responds in padam set to Shankarabharanam Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
Having conceded defeat in a game of dice went on exile to the jungles, and a bunch of complications followed us. Tough to express. Gone crazy, he abandoned me while in sleep.
The queen consoles in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
You may pardon the sin committed out of insanity.  Deer-eyed, you may stay put here till you meet with your husband
Damayanthi expresses apprehensions in padam set to Shankarabharanam Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
I shall never consume left overs and shall not talk to stranger males.  Should anyone attempt molesting me, you should immediately kill him.  I shall stay here.
The queen conveys acceptance in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Whatever you say, so be it.  You remain here itself.  My daughter, Sunanda, and you are equal to me
(As the queen says, “you remain here”, Damayanthi moves behind the the other).  They have a brief exchange and the curain is drawn as if she has begun her stint there.
Scene 10, Maid’s quarters the royal residence of Chedi
Quatrain set to Vrindavanasaramgam Ragam
Struck with agony and thinking constantly about Nalan, she (Damayanthi) stayed with Veerabaahu’s dauther.  Carrying out the orders of Bheeman, Sudevan, a Brahmin, while searching around  (for Nalan) happened to sight Damayanthi and spoke thus
Damayanthi is seated on the right.  Sudevan enters from the left, approaches her, they see each other, with respect she ushers him to the seat and bows in a span of two rhythmic cycles called “Kitathikidheem tha”
Sudevan enact padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
A good day for me!  I’m Sudevan.  You okay, the wife of Nalan?
Lady, where’s your partner?  Tell me.  Know that I’m your brother’s friend, hey, sister of Daman.
Your father has come to know of your state of affairs, has been grief stricken and deployed us, several Brahmins, to different directions in order to bring you back
Damayanti replies in padam set to Ushani Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
Hey Brahmin, My father and mother, are they doing good?
My mind is immersed in an ocean of agony, not knowing who is there to protect me now
While living peacefully, conceding defeat in the game of dice, staking the land, the abundant wealth, the treasury and the city in a game of dice, was devastated by the cruel words of foes and went on exile to jungle, the valorous Nalan went on exile to the terrifying forest.  I accompanied him, hey, Sudevan
Sudevan continues padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Has that Pushkaran seized the whole land?  A coward in battle, a thief in deceitful acts!!  Oh! The god is cruel!! What else to say?
Damayanthi explains what happened in padam set to Ushani Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
The piece of cloth he was wearing, was swiftly lost (while setting the same as a net to trap fowls in the forest) and we shared the cloth that I was wearing. Wandered around in the jungles.  Never did I imagine he would do this to me!!  How pity!!  While was asleep out of exhaustion, he tore my cloth in the middle of the night and vanished, Hey Sudeva!!!
Sudevan consoles in padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats/cycle
Bad times are faced by all once; then they lose rationality and even the beloved.  However, what purpose would be solved by crying.  What happened then? Explain
Damayanthi speaks in padam set to Ushani Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats:
Well, I never doubted he would abandon and go away;  he did not hesistate to flee.  Soon, I awoke and looked around for my companion, Alas! What to talk about the agony I was in subsequently?  God along has brought me here from the jungle, hey, Sudevan
Sudevan concludes enacting padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
God’s acts are not as we think; sure you two would  join each other.  By luck you were found.  What is to be done, is to go and see your father.  Let’s go
Enacts as if seeking permission from the queen and gestures to Sudevan, “Let’s go” and depart
Scene 11, Bheeman’s chambers in Kundinam Palace
Quatrain set to Mohanam Ragam
According permission from the motherly one, who realized that the maid (Damayanthi) was the daughter of Bheeman, Damayanthi arrived Kundinam in  a vehicle and spoke to her father
Bheeman is seated on the right.  Damayanthi enters from the left, they meet each other, exchange regards in a span of one rhythmic cycle called “kitathikidheem tha”
Damayanthi enacts padam set to Mohanam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Father, I bow on your pair of feet with regards, me your daughter
Not at all disappointed for having lost the land and not for having been separated from Nalan for any reason. But not knowing whether he is in any kind of trouble drifting amidst the jungles is the cause for my worry.
Doing whatever possible, finding my beloved – other than that, nothing else would being me peace of mind.  Am getting choked in an ocean of sorrow, ain’t I, it would be better that the breathing comes to an end!!
Bheeman consoles in padam set to Puraneera Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats/cycle
May happiness be with you, child, day after day
Just seeing you has caused my heart to blossom, lovely one
A lot of Brahmins are everywhere, duly in search and they would pass on information.  Soon, you would joing your husband and I myself shall annihilate Pushkaran
You may, then, stay with your husband either there or here, without being separated.  For sure, these perils would vanish.  Happiness would come to us
Bheeman says he would endeavor to search out Nalan.  Anxious to see children, she takes leave.  Bheeman returns performs Dhanashi,  to mark the end of the play – or end of the day’s performance 
Scene 1 – The Royal Palace, Nishadha Kingdom
Quatrain set to Thodi Ragam
Having entered into a wedlock amidst the assembly, consecrated by Gods such as Indran, with rare  blessings, and returned home from the brides domicile, Nala enchanted Damayanthi with charming words
As the curtain is withdrawn, Nalan and Damayanti enter in an ecstatic mood as if in embrace.  The act of entry gets completed over a span of rhythmic cycle called “Kitathikidheem tha” of the leisureliest tempo.  At the end of the entry, Nalan slowly releases Damayanthi and enacts padadm set to Thodi Ragam and Atantha cycle of 56 beats per cycle
Ah!, the one with eyes as beautiful as the leaf of Monochoria plant (a poetic fantasy), juvenile, with lips as smooth as a tender leaf, and with good traditions; The fresh youth has set in and is budding  day after day.  Do not waste any more time
(The first cycle of 56 beats shall be used for look-seeing the partner – sequence being face (with exstacy), breasts (amourously), feet  (happily) and face, again (with contentment).  
Indran and all came and put us to test.  However, hurdles have been overcome.  Hey, moon-faced, you became mine and hence, the good deeds of my previous lives have borne fruit.  Now, your coyness is my only foe, so do I think.  Wouldn’t that too go away on its own?
(Typically choreographed culmination – Kalaasham follows)
Quatrain (to be enacted as appropriate) set to Poorvi Kalyani Ragam
Having regarded the words spoken gracefully by her husband, Damayanthi, leaving out shyness, just like moon erases darkness in the night, favorably enjoyed with him.
Damayanthi enacts padam set to Poorvi Kalyani Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats
This orchard is beyond comparison, and how wonderful it is, for sure.  Nandana Vanam (Garden of heaven) and Chaithraratham (Garden of Kubera – the Lord of Wealth) are nothing, if desirability is considered, these two are no match to this. (Culmination)
Jonesian and Michelian flowers have blossomes as if the season of spring has set in.  Beetles are filling flower bunches.  The Pandanus flowers appear as if moon has risen on the pines. (Culmination)
Not a single tree seen here is devoid of blossoming.  The humming of beetles and music of cuckoos praise the Lord of Love. (Culmination)
Ah!, look at this toy mountain, appealing in all seasons, wonderful.  And this fake lake – proud swans and ganders play in it.  Nothing like it to provide delight. (Culmination)
 Nalan responds in padam set to Dhanyaasi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 32 beats (title) changing over 16 beats to stanzas
Partner, listen to me, gorgeous, to my tale before our marriage
Listening to the praising words about you from various people, though I am gallant, worn from the attack of the Lord of Love.  Darling, brooding over your body, with waves of exquisiteness, each day was spent like an age and, in due course, my desire was buried for long.
The golden swan has done us favour, and that’s the real Camaraderie.  Went in pursuit, returned, conveyed your viewpoint and vanished and I accomplished what I desired, hey, the crown of beauties!
(After enacting the respective padams, they have brief exchange and walks around the orchard.  Enjoying various sights such as, creepers, lotus buds, the lake, deers, a bird in separation from its spouse etc (examples) and finally exit as if entering an arbour (shady garden alcove)
Scene 2: On the way to Paradise
Quatrain set to Bhairavi Ragam
As Nalan was leading an amorous life with his companion in orchards, his chambers and in the boudoir, Kali (representing evil spirits) bounced upon Indran etc., bowed to them, in apparent pride.  They (representatively Indran) spoke thus :
(Note:  Even though the verse suggests that the Gods spoke first, the sense of “bowing” by Kali is taken and he initiates the dialogue)
(Once the verse is recited, Kali and Dwaparan (partner, representing another evil spirits) execute a performace called “Thiranottam” (literal meaning: “CURTAIN GAZE”.  The purpose is to transmit a mood rage by presenting themselves, lowering the screen)
Kali opens up in lines set to Bhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats
Hello, where are you coming from, the Lord of Heavens, accompanied by Agni, Yaman and Varunan (Lords of fire, death and waters)
Indran replies in padam set to Mohanam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Oh!, we are coming from a faraway place, but, where are you going?
Kali continues in Bhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats
On the earth, there is lotus eyed beauty, daughter of King Bheema.  She is said to be the abode of elegance and her name  what I have heard, is Damayanti.  I am going to bring her, and Lord, please accord permission.  I have the forces – lust, anguish, provocativeness, desire.  Don’t delay, Lord of Gods and the world and the one who is pleased by good deeds.  I shall, of course, repay this favor.
Indran responds in Mohanam Ragam set to chempata cycle of 16 beats:
The lake has leaked, water flown out and you are trying to build a dam, what’s this?  Her wedding is over, and we are coming after witnessing that wonderful ceremony.  She has chosen a noble man called Nalan as her partner.  Now, your going to the earth is futile.  Consider a bad omen has obstructed your way.
Kali, furious now, replies in lines set to Bhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats, at a faster pace
Shame, you all were watching avidly like dolls, she came with a determined mind, amidst the huge assembly, and wed a human worm!  Walking up and down – that;s your benefit.  I am burning in anguish.  No doubt, I shall create a fray between them and separate them; they shall be landless, and that’s an unshakeable vow.
Both Kali and Dwaparan enact taking the oath; Indran exits.
Quatrain set to Sourashtram Ragam
Aware of the splendor of Damayanti, fortune of Nala and now listening to Indran’s words, unable to tolerate, Kali spoke to Dwaparan
Kali enacts lines set to Sourashtram Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats:
We should confrot him, without losing our way.  Tell me Dwaparan, a faultless plan to deceive Nalan.
Dwaparan replies, Sourashtram Ragam & chempata cycle of 8 beats
He, King Nalan, is very powerful.  And, now almost invincible by the blessings of Indran.  None should aspire to win in a battle with him.
There is one Pushkaran, born in the same family.  We should change him morally by incitement.  He would suffice to defeat Nalan in the game of dice, take over all wealth and subjects and send him on exile to woods.
After the padam, they have a brief exchange and Dwaparan exits.  Kali, unable to enter the land of Nishadham, since the land was ruled by a pious king and he could influence only sinful places.  After many years, during which Nala and Damayanti have two children, once, Kali sees Nalan doing away with a ritual of washing his feet before prayers of dusk (Sandhya Vandanam).  He sees this as an opportunity, and proceed to meet with Pushkaran accompanied by Dwaparan.
Scene 3; Pushkaran’s Chambers
Quatrain recited in Dhanyaasi Ragam
Influenced by anger and envy, Kali with Dwaparan, went to the Earth and prompted foolish Pushakaran to steal wealth, which would ruin Pushkaran
Pushkaran is seated and Kali/Dwaparan enter, the process of entry and greeting consuming a rhythmic cycle of “Kitathikidheem tha”
Pushkaran opens up in padam set to Dhanyaasi Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats 
May I please know who have come to me,  Tell me clearly (Culmination)
Though I do not know you, seeing someone facing me, gives me a swift delight  (Culmination) 
People of the land go to Nalan and he fulfills what they need.  None from faraway vists me (Culmination)
I do not possess land or city or other symptoms of a king and neither do I own a force to conquer valorour but unfriendly.  The only advantage I have is to be Kshatriya (being from a Royal Family) (Culmination)
Nevertheless, why I should I speak all these for you? Nalan has one duty and I have others.  What can I do for you? (culmination)
Kali provocates by lines set to Asaavery/Varaali Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats/cycle
Pushkaran, do not waste your life.  There is nothing impossible for anyone, listen, with my assistance.  What’s the difference between Nalan and you here?  Overthrow him and rule the land
Now, ver candidly shall I tell you who I am.  In fact, there is none who doesn’t know me in the world.  I’m Kali, an adversary to Nalan,  I,m your friend.  I promise you his land, come, play game of dice and have it
Wait, in my opinion, victory is yours for sure.  What if you do not have a stake to bet?  Put me at stake.  Take over the wealth, grains and land and send him on exile!!
They have a further gesticulated exchange.  Ensuring that he would have the friendship aid from Kali, Pushakaran proceeds to Nalan’s abode to challenge him for a game of dice.
Scene 4: Nalan’s Palace
Quatrain set to Vekata Ragam
Encouraged thus by Kali, the ill-minded Pushkara, as if to become a comet for the land of Nishadha kingdom, not realizing his childishness, spoke to Nalan challengingly 
Pushkaran positions himself on the stool, lowers the curtain and then jumps to the floor to enact entry.  He finds out the place Nalan was residing with Damayanti and challenges
Enacts lines set to Vekata Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats/cycle
Hey, the son of Veerasena and the wild fire to the forest of enemies, talking to ladies in seclusion is not befitting a valorous person (Culmination)
Don’t hesistate, King, come and comfront me in the game of dice.  This, in fact would bring fame.  The game is evolved by Lord Brahma and no foulplay is involved (Culmination)
Listen to me, this beloved bull of mine is my stake, what’s yours ? Chariots, troupe, knights?  Come on, exhibit. (Culmination)
After culminating the padam, he executes a typically choreographed steps called “Naliratti” to transmit the excitement and challenges.  Nalan enters with Damayanti.  Realizes it was Pusharan who challenged him, tries to discourage through the following padam
Nalan enacts lines set to Bhairavi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 8 beats
I know the truth about you, Pushkaran, and your capabilities
Think who you are, am I the one you found as a match?  You have lost to rationalize low from high.  I am elder and you are my younger brother
Is it appropriate to utter obscenities and challenge for a game of dice?  However, I do not seek lowliness and shall not leave  the ground till play lasts.  Stupid, come for the game.  If downfall comes, that will be swalloed and if victorious, that shall be abundant, If you are sure about it, I have no objection.
To Damayanti (at a lower tempo): Hey, daughter of Vidarbha, gorgeous, my love, charming, It is not tough to exist to the wishes of partner.  This man has come to cheat, he has no competence.  Hey lovely, come and watch the match.  Dodging would bring me disgrace.
Nalan and Pushkaran seat themselves for the game and as the commence arranging the pawns, verse:
Set to Panthuvarali Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats 
Influenced by evil spirits (Kali), Nalan, even after consistant scoring by Pushkaran, was not dither and continued with the game. He was not even bothered to console his weeping wife, thinking, “Oh! God, what’s this”;   he doesn't care for the officials and subjects, who approached him for  matters concerning the kingdom
Padam set to Panthuvarali Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats; Nalan:
The game of dice is invented by the Gods for entertainment.  Who’s not interested in it among, Gods, Demons and Humans?
(The game commences, and Nalan concedes defeat)
Pushkaran, lines set to Shanmukhapriya Ragam, Panchari cycle of 6 beats:
Now, bet your stake and play, no jokes.  Oh! You lost?  Your aspirations have gone with the wind? If not, speak out, what’s your stake?
Nalan: Panthuvarali Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats:
The transports, all the wealth, cows and all I am staking.  Telling you this, no cheat, hey Pushkaran!
The game continues and Nalan continues to concede defeat
Pushkaran, thrilled , says lines set to Kedaragowlam Ragam and Panchari cycle of 6 beats:
Curse of Gods have befallen on you.  Still not devoid of pride?  Now, in the next game, if you lose, proceed to jungles on exile and the victorious shall have the kingdom
They play again, Nalan conceded defeat and,
Quatrain recited in Khandaram Ragam (enact as if game is continuing)
Not concerned about food, doing away with sleep even in the night, not speaking to near ones, day in and day out, Damayanthi, constantly weeping at the doorstep, (the game continued) and apart from Nalan, Pushkaran and that bull, there was not a fourth person there
IThe final game is played, animatedly Pushkaran enacts the verse recited in Kedaragoulam Ragam
Nalan looses, bets more stakes and continued playing pawns.  Pushakaran was all smiles and the bull, enjoying.  Would the destiny be changed?  Pushkaran, grabbed the wealth and kingdom and spoke thus to Nalan
Game comes to an end, Nalan totally defeated.  The victorious Pushkaran chases away Nalan to the woods
Lines set to Kedaragoulam Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats
Don’t have any apprehensions about this, I repeat, do not have.  Quitely proceed to the woods.  If you prefer to stay here, be prepared for the disgrace and insulting words. Listen, you are no more the ruler of Nishadha, I am.  You shall have no more right over the land and even if you have offsprings, they would never be given any rights.  My fortune has been attained legitimately and my son shall hereditarily take it over.  No need to tell in detail, the royal gown and ornaments that you wear belong to me.  You can’t take the beautiful Damayanthi also.  To come to that, even Bhaimi (daughter of Bheema) would suit to me like the Bhoome (the kingdom)
Nala enacts removal of the crown in total submissiveness and quietly exists holding Damayanthi (The percussions would be silenced for the moment)
Pushkaran, with more vigour,  gives his first orders as the ruler, enacting lines set to Kedaragoulam Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats, at a faster tempo:
The subjects dwelling in the land including the urban noble men and rural residents shall adhere to my orders henceforth.  Do not have any link with Nalan.  Do not regard him, the shameless.  Never render him clothes or grain.  Defaulters shall, no doubt, would attract my dislike.
Thrilled at the victory, Pushkaran exits, after executing typically choreographed culminating steps called Naaliratty, to transmit the excitedness.
Scene 5, Deep Forest
Quatrain set to Khandaram Ragam 
Though under the influence of evil spirits (Kali), concered about disgrace, conceding his ornaments to him (Pushkaran), leaves his abode clad in a piece cloth, accompanied by Damayanthi, who had already (foreseeing the danger) dispatched her two offsprings to her parents through Varshneya (an aide).  Concerned about the current state of hunger and scarcity, he ruminated.
(Nalan and Damayanthi are seated in the centre of the podium;
Nalan enacts padam set to Khandaram Ragam, chempata cycle of 16 beats at a slow tempo
What more could I resort to?  The kith and kin have taken enmity with me.  Is it because my devotion to Lord Shiva has diminished?  What’s the cause for such a grief to fall on me?
Pushkaran won the palace and the subjects, the power and fresh prosperity.  His moves were thoughtful and planned, considering within myself.  This has become my current state affairs.  Has the devotion to Lord Shiva vanished from me?
Hey, Lovely, beautiful, noble, chaste Damayanthi, juvenile, the pearl of beauty,  you are getting worn out.  Depending on me, Nalan, who has gone crazy,  would be like jasmine sprayed with hot water taking the support of a decaying tree and you would die of hunger.
Some golden, goodlooking birds are approaching.  For a meal, I shall trap them cleverly.  But how, oh! Yes, I shall remove this only piece of cloth and set as a trapping net.
Nalan enacts removal of the cloth and spreading.  A bird (representing many) flies in, picks up the cloth, speaks with a mocking dance
Padam set to Surutti Ragam 
Your wish is futile, hey Nalan. After losing all your wealth, you are putting in these efforts, without shame!!
Dirty-hearted, we are not birds.  You could’nt kill us.  We are the clever dice pawns,, who cheated you, know that.
With the completion, the bird(s) exits
Verse set to Gouleepanthu Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats, at a slow pace
When the birds have taken away the clothe and vanished into the sky, Nalan was stricken with agony concerned about his current state and stayed put.  Accompanied by companion, he wandered here and there in the jungle.  As the night fell, seeing a dais, went and seated himself on it with worried heart.
(Nalan enacts the spirit of the verse recited and proceeds with Padam)
Set to Gouleepanthu Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats/cycle 
Never, have I thought a day would come to tell this tale.  Has Lord Shiva withdrawn his mercy towards me?  Is this the outcome of the great blessings of the Lord of Gods?  
Darling Damayanthi, daughter of King Bheema, listen, I have become incapable to protect you.  My anguish is not about just one thing and I cannot make it clear.  You, look after both me and you.
Damayanti, padam set to Anandabhairavi Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats:
I could live with hunger and thirst, hey noble one, listen, oh! my dear, my heart.  I shall knead your limbs and join with your body.  Would it be that compatibility of our stars false?
Nalan replies in lines set to gouleepanthu Ragam and Chempata cycle of 8 beats and slowing down to 16 beats while addressing Damayanthi directly
Isn’t this jungle frightening? (Bringing down the tempo), here, look at the clear way.  For sure, proceeding through this a little, you would reach river Payoshni.  Lovely one, Kundinam, your hometown, is not far from there.
However, Damayanthi refuses to return to Kundinam without Nalan.  They sit over the dais.  Exhausted, Damayanthi falls asleep his lap.  Nala engages himself in deep thought.  Overcome by his own thoughts and the effect of Kali, he reluctantly tears a piece of cloth from Damayanthi’s gown, abandons her and leaves.
Verse set to Punnagavaraali Ragam
Realizing that Damayanthi would not leave her husband behind in this state of danger, crazy also due to the influence of evil spirits, tore half of what she was wearing ( to cover his own nakedness ) and deserted her in the middle of the night.
Damayanthi awakens and not finding Nalan, is shocked;
Enacts padam set to Punnaagavarali Ragam and Thriputa cyle of 7 beats, at a slow tempo
Tired and exhausted I had fallen asleep.  Stop this playing around with me.  There is no limit to my anxiety.  Hey, Nala, dear, why are are you hiding?  
(suspecting that he might have gone in search of the cloth taken away by the birds),
In search of the garment, you have walked away, leaving me behind?  You are in west, east, north or south?  Sure, I do know your mind, I shall not leave you.  You might have thought that I would go elsewhere, if you leave me.
The rhythmic cycle changes to Muriyatantha of 7 beats at a faster tempo,
My husband has been influenced by an evil spirit.  He behaves same with the wealth and me because of that.  May that cheat fall in enflamed fire!!
Coming in terms with reality, she exits as if to wander in search of safety
Scene 6:  Thick Forest, Abode of a forest dweller (hereinafter referred to as “Kattalan”
Qutrain set to Nathanamakriya Ragam
That queen loitered in the thick woods , weeping , worried , in anguish, in exhaustion and in darkness through several trails.  Her screams were heard by a forest dweller .
Kattalan performs Thiranottam . As described earlier, This “Curtain Gaze” act is to present the current mood of such characters . Subsequently, he appears as if in sleep.  Enacts hearing of a sound and wakes after a couple of attempts.
Padam set to Nathanamakriya Ragam and chempata of 8 beats
What’s this clamor coming out from this deep forest?  Can’t know the reality, staying far.  I should go near and check out.  To go into the thick jungle and search, even I would have profuse fear.  However, to deal with the darkness of night, the Sun god is about rise.  Remaining here would be termed as cowardice.  With bow, arrows and sword, I shall go in proximity in order to learn the truth.  I shall leave out crookedness and behave aptly.
(Listening to the screams of Damayanthi)
Only playback singing, padam set to PunnaagavaraLi Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats.
Alas!, My companion, ocean of kindness, where have you gone leaving me behind?  I am immersed in a wave of helplessness, now.
Kattalan enacts lines set to Nathanamakriya ragam and chempata of 8 beats per cycle
Hearing the sweetness of voice, it is to be ascertained that it belongs to a lady.  I shall go near casually and ask her who she is.  (Seeing her), visible amidst the trees, goodness, what a beauty!  On whose parting is she weeping?  By what strategy can I attract her? She is naturally beautiful.  She is worthy of being seen in close quarters.  What a structure, she would overcome Rambha’s (a fairy). Who is the fortunate to suck on her lipe?  Who is this divine beauty, sweetness personified?
Damayanthi enters with a python swallowing her feet (the spirit is that Kattalan has reached near her)
Damayanthi enacts padam set to Punnaagavaraali Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats/cycle
My leg has been grasped by a serpent, dear; my inner sense is going weird.  Hey, brave one, should you learn about my demise, remember me with love. 
Kattalan goes near her and speaks to her in padam set to Nathanamakriya Ragam and chempata cycle of 8 beats, at a slower tempo:
Without kith and kin , hey the one, entrapped in the depth of the jungle, you are definitely one to live in happiness, hey beauty.  Don’t feel shy, I dwell in the forests.  Whoever (I am), would anyone else arrive to save you, even if you cry?  Stay taking support of my shoulders, I shall kill this serpent, hey well structured.  When in danger, no question of asking cast and creed and worry about unouchability.  (Killing the snake), Look, the serpent has been killed, hey the very spirit of loveliness!!
Damayanthi thanks Kattalan in lines set to Punnagavarali Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats/cycle
Caught by the snake, I was scared and my body trembled in fear.  That me has been saved by you.  Now, you may go as you like.  There is no return favor for redeeming a life, other than plentifull virtuousness.
Kattalan replies in padam set to Madhymaavathi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats: 
Ah! Pretty, how could I go away just like that? 
I have something else in mind, listen to what it is and concur to that 
Even I am in distress.  Haved mercy in me.  Hey, beauty, why are you up to such things?  Hey, the crown of ladies, kid, the good persona have assembled in you and shine.  It so, it would come to mean that praiseworthiness was left unrecognized.
The Lord of Love has turned out to be my foe.  He attacks me in several ways to conquer!  And you need not go here and there and fade out yourself.  Suspision would lead you nowhere.  Mind there and sight here!!  (No need of staying that way, keep yourself here by body and mind) Now, you tell where would you go?
I have a well constructed house, built without any leaks, with proper walls.  Let’s survive there together.  What you about the pleasure of jungle life.  Even God favors togetherness! Don’t you consider? we are a good match!!
Damayanthi, aghast, speaks out through padam set to Saveri Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats/cycle (as if in soliloquy)
Oh, god, Oh! The Lord of Nishadha 
What else could be more shocking?  You abandoned your own position and me, hey, King.  Didn’t see you for long and was trying to seek you.  Came into the mouth of serpent, but did not die.  In isolation, this forest dweller has approached me.  How should I deal with this stupid?  Even if I speak, would he heed to it? 
“Lady, who tries to disturb your chastity shall be burnt alive” -  I have this blessing from from Lord Indran.  May that be my savior now!!
Scene 7; Deep Forest
Quatrain set to Dwijavanthi Ragam
With the words, left incompleted by Damayanthi, he (Kattalan) was burnt to ashes and the remnants flew like dust, due to the power of her curse.  She thanked God Indran and the rest faithfully.  The Rishis (in whose abodes, she might have found some solace while wandering), consoled her
As the curtain is withdrawn, Damayanthi is seated in the centre and padam begins immediately, 
Set to Dwijavanthi Ragam and Chempata cycle of 16 beats (Soliloquy)
Whom could I express all about my agony?  God, oh! God---
Dame’s heart is made of timber, so say some.  Others say it’s rock
“Like in past, your mate would wear the king’s crown, coax you and keep you on the shoulders” – so said the Rishis.  (Hence), I shall continue searching for him.  Wouldn’t I find a way?  Sure, I shall seek out a way and do accordingly.
(Walking and seeing some people),
Ah!, at last I have come to the end of the forest and here, there is a river.  A lot of people are found on either shores of the river.  Let me go and find out who they are and I will go with them
(Gesticulates conveying that she was proceeding near to the strangers to find out who they are, and exits)
Scene 8, By the Shores of a river
Quatrain set to Kalyaani Ragam
Deciding thus and as she went near to a group of people crossing the river, they started talking to themselves, “who’s she?”, “a crazy one”, sais some, “No, she’s just a wanderer”, some others.  Watching her expressive face, the gentle leader of those gypsy merchants, asked her.
As the curtain is withdrawn, the gypsy merchants are on their way with their merchantile goods and on the left, Damayanti is approaching.  They see each other and exchange pleasantries in a span of two rhythmic cycles called “Kitathikidheem tha” and then,
The leader of the merchants (hereinafter called Sarthavahan) opens up in Kalyani Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats:
Deer-eyed pearl of a lady, hey, lovely one, may good things be with you.  It’s a surprise that you are wandering here all alone!
You are the crown of gorgeousness and why are you so shabbily dressed, pity.   You mistreated by anyone?  Or frightened by anyone? Tell me.  It’s clear, without words, that you have been abandoned by your partner.  However, if you speak out what is is all about, I shall render assistance
Damayanthy replies with padam set to Mukhaari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
The one who has accomplished numerous acts of worships to gods (called “Aswamedha Yaagam”), the one who is “Tree of the Heaven” (Kalpavruksham), the king of Kings, and the one who has conquered all the enemies Bheeman is my father,.  The one who was defeated in a deceitful game of dice, king of Nishadha is my beloved husband.  While touring around, he abandoned me, have lost rationality of mind.  Not finding my partner, I am loitering around the forest for long.
Sarthavahan, named Suchi, responds via padam set to Kalyani Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
“Shall bear the extreme sorrow”, thinking so, Nalan, the ruler of the land, might have walked away from danger.  Whatever be, try to forget misery (happened so far) and hey, the one with cloud-thick mane, somehow guard your physique.  I, Suchi, a merchant, shall tell you a considered idea for your safety.  Take shelter with the ruler of Chedi Kingdom, he protect you and that will solve your current gloomy state of affairs.
Damayanthi responds with padam set to Mukhari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats 
He (Nalan), is definitely no crook, on the contrary, friend of the grieved.  His physique and words are equally appealing.  Hey, merchant, what you said is true and I have decided accordingly. Hence, I shall accompany you without fear and shall wait to meet with the ideal king (Nalan).
As they traverse and reach near the royal residence of Chedi Kingdom, Sarthavahan (Suchi) concludes in padam set to Kalyani Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
The one, who with the power of his arms exterminated foes, the light of kingly clan, courageous and witful Subahu – Here is his home, shining like heaven that came down to earth;  You may remain here happily;  We are taking leave of you, since we are on the look out for more earnings (being businessmen).
Scene 9, Royal chambers of the Queen of chedi
Quatrain set to Balahari Ragam
Accompanying the merchants, she (Damayanthi) arrived at the residence of the ruler of Chedi kingdom.  Seeing the half naked visitor, the queen spoke to her.
Queen is seated, Damayanthi enters from the left, bows and commences pada, the performance of entry being executed in a span of rhythmic cycle called “Kitathikidheem tha”
The queen welcomes in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
You, a goddess, ? a fairy, hey beauty? Tell me who you are.  Such a sweet frame on the earth?  Never have I seen before nor heard about.
Damayanthi replied in padam set to Shankarabharanam Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
Neither a goddess, nor a fairy, let me explain truthfully, hey virtuous lady, listen.  I am borne to a Royal Family, but now have been separated from hushand and hence grieving.
The queen responds in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cyc,e of 16 beats  
What’s the reason behind your husband seperating  you and leaving, hey round bosomed, speak out the fact.
Damayanthi responds in padam set to Shankarabharanam Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
Having conceded defeat in a game of dice went on exile to the jungles, and a bunch of complications followed us. Tough to express. Gone crazy, he abandoned me while in sleep.
The queen consoles in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
You may pardon the sin committed out of insanity.  Deer-eyed, you may stay put here till you meet with your husband
Damayanthi expresses apprehensions in padam set to Shankarabharanam Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
I shall never consume left overs and shall not talk to stranger males.  Should anyone attempt molesting me, you should immediately kill him.  I shall stay here.
The queen conveys acceptance in padam set to Balahari Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Whatever you say, so be it.  You remain here itself.  My daughter, Sunanda, and you are equal to me
(As the queen says, “you remain here”, Damayanthi moves behind the the other).  They have a brief exchange and the curain is drawn as if she has begun her stint there.
Scene 10, Maid’s quarters the royal residence of Chedi
Quatrain set to Vrindavanasaramgam Ragam
Struck with agony and thinking constantly about Nalan, she (Damayanthi) stayed with Veerabaahu’s dauther.  Carrying out the orders of Bheeman, Sudevan, a Brahmin, while searching around  (for Nalan) happened to sight Damayanthi and spoke thus
Damayanthi is seated on the right.  Sudevan enters from the left, approaches her, they see each other, with respect she ushers him to the seat and bows in a span of two rhythmic cycles called “Kitathikidheem tha”
Sudevan enact padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
A good day for me!  I’m Sudevan.  You okay, the wife of Nalan?
Lady, where’s your partner?  Tell me.  Know that I’m your brother’s friend, hey, sister of Daman.
Your father has come to know of your state of affairs, has been grief stricken and deployed us, several Brahmins, to different directions in order to bring you back
Damayanti replies in padam set to Ushani Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
Hey Brahmin, My father and mother, are they doing good?
My mind is immersed in an ocean of agony, not knowing who is there to protect me now
While living peacefully, conceding defeat in the game of dice, staking the land, the abundant wealth, the treasury and the city in a game of dice, was devastated by the cruel words of foes and went on exile to jungle, the valorous Nalan went on exile to the terrifying forest.  I accompanied him, hey, Sudevan
Sudevan continues padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Has that Pushkaran seized the whole land?  A coward in battle, a thief in deceitful acts!!  Oh! The god is cruel!! What else to say?
Damayanthi explains what happened in padam set to Ushani Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats
The piece of cloth he was wearing, was swiftly lost (while setting the same as a net to trap fowls in the forest) and we shared the cloth that I was wearing. Wandered around in the jungles.  Never did I imagine he would do this to me!!  How pity!!  While was asleep out of exhaustion, he tore my cloth in the middle of the night and vanished, Hey Sudeva!!!
Sudevan consoles in padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats/cycle
Bad times are faced by all once; then they lose rationality and even the beloved.  However, what purpose would be solved by crying.  What happened then? Explain
Damayanthi speaks in padam set to Ushani Ragam and Muriyatantha cycle of 7 beats:
Well, I never doubted he would abandon and go away;  he did not hesistate to flee.  Soon, I awoke and looked around for my companion, Alas! What to talk about the agony I was in subsequently?  God along has brought me here from the jungle, hey, Sudevan
Sudevan concludes enacting padam set to Vrindavanasarangam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
God’s acts are not as we think; sure you two would  join each other.  By luck you were found.  What is to be done, is to go and see your father.  Let’s go
Enacts as if seeking permission from the queen and gestures to Sudevan, “Let’s go” and depart
Scene 11, Bheeman’s chambers in Kundinam Palace
Quatrain set to Mohanam Ragam
According permission from the motherly one, who realized that the maid (Damayanthi) was the daughter of Bheeman, Damayanthi arrived Kundinam in  a vehicle and spoke to her father
Bheeman is seated on the right.  Damayanthi enters from the left, they meet each other, exchange regards in a span of one rhythmic cycle called “kitathikidheem tha”
Damayanthi enacts padam set to Mohanam Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats
Father, I bow on your pair of feet with regards, me your daughter
Not at all disappointed for having lost the land and not for having been separated from Nalan for any reason. But not knowing whether he is in any kind of trouble drifting amidst the jungles is the cause for my worry.
Doing whatever possible, finding my beloved – other than that, nothing else would being me peace of mind.  Am getting choked in an ocean of sorrow, ain’t I, it would be better that the breathing comes to an end!!
Bheeman consoles in padam set to Puraneera Ragam and chempata cycle of 16 beats/cycle
May happiness be with you, child, day after day
Just seeing you has caused my heart to blossom, lovely one
A lot of Brahmins are everywhere, duly in search and they would pass on information.  Soon, you would joing your husband and I myself shall annihilate Pushkaran
You may, then, stay with your husband either there or here, without being separated.  For sure, these perils would vanish.  Happiness would come to us
Bheeman says he would endeavor to search out Nalan.  Anxious to see children, she takes leave.  Bheeman returns performs Dhanashi,  to mark the end of the play – or end of the day’s performance 
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