Don’t take this insult to your heart (Parithapam Hredi)

Don’t take this insult to your heart,
now listen to what I am going to say
Keep up your spirits my boy
dejection stands in the way of success
O brave leader, hear what I have to say
O wise one, enough of this sadness
O Kourava, soon I will fulfil your wishes
you valiant, it is certainly possible
On this earth there is not a single one 
powerful enough on the warfield
to beat the Pandavas — 
Be alert and cheat, then you can win
Get out of your sullen mood,
get your father’s consent,
bring Yudhishtira here,
tap my expertise in deception
They must agree to a game of dice
and wholeheartedly enjoy it,
in any case half a second is enough
for us to capture all their land.