For cheating in the game of dice (Bahuchathiyale)

Panchali, after escaping with Krishna’s blessings from the attempts of Dussasana to undress her in that august chamber, cursed Duryodhana who was sitting with his brother, uncle Sakuni and Karna.
For cheating in the game of dice
and for making my husbands
slaves, the reckless Sakuni
will be slain in war by Sahadeva
For greatly insulting me
the cruel crook Dussasana’s
chest will be smashed and his 
blood drunk by the brave Bheema
(Charave Vannutan)
For sitting near me, Duryodhana,
and stroking your thighs,
Bheema will, in a fierce duel with maces,
kill you by breaking your thighs.