Arujuan – His physique – By looking at it

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
The most gorgeous among angels, full-moon-faced Urvashi, overcame by ecstacy by seeing Arjuna,  the noble member of Moon dynasty and the one who attracts any lady, spoke thus to her girlfried.
Arujuan – His physique – By looking at! Oh!
Lord Brahma’s (The god of creation) – creative skill – relentlessly shine on him (Arjuna) – So I suspect
Once, the Lord of Love was burnt by Lord Siva, due to that
Love of God – equal to him – he (Arjuna) was created by Lord Brahma.
The gems of Sterculia-Uren (a fruit) – those will run away watching his lips –
his lips are more beautiful than the gems – while looking at it oh! – in shame.

Hey the one with beetle-like hair, with a beautiful face, hey friend.