

O Chandrachuda, hail to you

Daksha, who with Siva’s blessings was brought back to life with the head of a goat, concludes the sacrificial rites properly, prostrates in front of Lord Siva and praised him thus.

O Chandrachuda, hail to you
Victory to you, Lord of the Universe
Forgive me forever
for all my misdeeds, O Lord
Hail to you, God Almighty

Leave this place right away

Sathi, who ignored her husband’s words as she was keen to watch the sacrificial rites, having arrived at her father’s palace accompanied by Siva’s guards and surrounded by happy celestial women, was confronted by her angry father Daksha who spoke to her cruelly thus.

Leave this place right away, O wife of Lord Siva
who ever asked you to come here, you wicked woman?
I am not at all happy with you,

O Great Sage, your arrival brings

O Great Sage, your arrival brings
great delight to me
Meeting admirable men is the only way
to remove misery and receive blessings
Why the sinless Narada, the great ascetic Vasishta
and sages such as the Sanakas didn’t come?
Lord Brahma is our common father and yet
why did they harbour this feeling? Alas!

It was most inappropriate to marry

Dakshan gets very angry on hearing that Siva has suddenly left with his daughter. He forgets that Siva is the Supreme Lord, and thinks of him merely as his son-in-law. Nursing a big grudge against Siva, Daksha spoke to the gods with contempt.

It was most inappropriate to marry
off my daughter to Siva
without knowing about his character
that lacks maturity, pride or social stature

You see this beautiful girl

As Daksha entered the Kalindi waters that washes off one’s sins and took the conch sitting on the lotus leaf it transformed itself into a beautiful girl. Daksha, with unbounded joy, imagines that Siva’s consort has come as his daughter and hands over the baby to his wife.

You see this beautiful girl, the result of
our blessings we received over several births
O great woman, you blessed one

Pleasure to my eyes..

One morning King Daksha went to bathe in the sacred Yamuna. He was wonder-struck by the beauty of the river.

This Kalindi river gives immense
pleasure to my eyes
Even the thousand-tongued Anantha can’t
describe the river’s countless blessings
Many an ascetic after shedding
their ego and with happy minds
