

Pay your respects to Lord Siva

Pay your respects to Lord Siva
that will be good for you
Without realising His greatness
it’s not right to speak ill of him
How He killed the pride of the Yama
and how He slayed Gajasura
if you think of His deeds, where’s the 
need to speak about Siva’s greatness.
Though God is always serene

O generous soul! O Supreme Being

O generous soul! O Supreme Being!
I bow before you always, O Gouri’s partner!
O Creator, Protector and Destroyer
the power on the other side of the mortal world
You are the Sun for the Lotus that are sages’ hearts
the power that destroys evil again and again
The power that saved Markendeya from death
I pray to you, O God who showers largesse