

Victory to you Rama

Hearing these words, Parasurama looked at Sreerama closely and saw the form of Vishnu in him. Sage Parasurama happily said thus.
Victory to you Rama, O husband of Janaki.
O Narayana, O the slayer of sins, O Lord of the worlds, I bow before
you who lie in the ocean and is praised by sages such as Narada
I have sworn I won’t overstay in this world a second more;

Who goes there? Sreerama you fool?

Thus when the aged Dasaratha was going with his sons and their wives, an angry Parasurama arrived there. He stopped Sreerama and Dasaratha and angrily told them that “whoever broke Siva’s bow will not pass unchallenged”.
Who goes there? Sreerama you fool?
if you are brave enough defeat me and go.
Don’t be too proud in your mind because
you have broken the mighty Siva’s bow