Bali the Monkey King


Struck by your arrow, O Rama

As Tara continued wailing, Bali, who was feeling miserable from his deep wound, happily told Rama who was standing near with his beautiful bow.

Struck by your arrow, O Rama,
please hear what I have to say
I deserved to be killed and hence
what you did was appropriate
Angada and Tara are now orphaned
have mercy on them, O Ramachandra

O the ten-headed, O demon king!

O the ten-headed, O demon king! are you
the father of the one who captured Indra!
Are you the brave hero who lifted Mount Kailasa
with your bare hands and played with it!
Alas! would you like to live on the
rear-end of a monkey?
How long you have been here, tell me
and where is your powerful son?