

Don’t worry, my friend Arjuna


Don’t worry, my friend Arjuna. Your Oath will not be in vain.

I shall mask the sun soon and create a fake sunset.

Thinking that the Sun has set, Jayadrathan will come out. You may immediately kill him.

Do not let his head fall on ground. With your arrows let it fall on his father’s (Vrudhakhatra) hand.


Hi, Duryodhana ! Why this foul play in the war



Hearing about the Oath of Arjuna, Jayadratha planned to hide in the war field out of fear. War continued and when  only a short time was left for sunset, Arjuan furiously bid Jayadratha for a fight.

Hey! Jayadratha, why are you hiding like a coward? Come out and fight me face to face like a warriror.

Hi, Duryodhana ! Why this foul play in the war.  Let your brother-in-law come out for combat.


This garden is so very deserted



Restless Nala grew over Narada’s word,

And hurt his mind was with arrows of the love-lord,

Assigning the reins of the kingdom to the nobles

He left his self in isolation in the palace gardens.


(Nala in contemplation):

This garden is so very deserted,

That is its only quality making me feel light-hearted.

But the gods to me no more look so benign,

Neither is the lord of lust with his fish-ensign.


The objects in the garden only sharpen my woe,

Your power scares the enemy armies

Your power scares the enemy armies from coming near,
Oh! Nala, you are so rich in grace and valour,
You are the lord of the earth,
Yet you lay your youth to waste.
Not for long do I stay anywhere,
I keep travelling everywhere,
I am known for making conflicts between one and the other,
in this world, in that and in the nether.
Have you not heard of Damayanti,
the Vidarbha princess of unsurpassed beauty?

Which of your lotus-like faces

Which of your lotus-like faces
is the most beautiful I am confused
hence the delay in kissing your fruit-like lips;
it’s not because I am disinclined.
References:(courtesy : Thirantottam ) 
After enacting the above padam, both Ravana and Mandodari are seated in a passionate embrace.  Ravana, then enacts the approach of Rishi Narada as follows:
