Praise Brahma and the goddess of words

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
With the message of love from Nala, off to Vidarbha goes the swan
and sits in the open in the tranquillity of the palace garden.
Unfulfilled in love for Nala, Damayanti -listless and wan
Was lead to the garden by maids to bring back her cheer and elan.
Praise Brahma and the goddess of words, praise the goddess earth
Praise Lord Vishnu and praise the goddess of worth
Praise Lord Shiva and praise Parvathy, his consort
Praise the moon god and Rohini and to the gods of love, give respect      
Indra the lord of heaven be praised and so be his wife Indrani,
Not just them, let all the divine couple bless our dear Damayanti.
May Anasuya, Lopamudra and Arundhati -all chaste women of rishis
Bless us for fulfilling our wishes.