Seeing Lord Siva made the

Story Play (Attakkatha): 


Seeing Lord Siva made the
doe-eyed beauty very happy
Dakshan heard the news from the guards
To get his daughter married in great pomp
Daksha quickly started preparations
Smart envoys carried the wedding news
to gods who happily filled Daksha’s palace
alongside came many ascetics too
After a gracious reception from Daksha
they stayed in the palace amid much cheer
The enthusiastic Vidyadharas merrily
launched their musical soirees with
their instruments resounding in the halls
Then the gracefully dancing celestial
beauties joined in the merriment
Goddess Saraswathi decked up
the bride in ornate jewellery
In an auspicious moment in all the three worlds
Lord Siva clasped her hands in his
and happily married her in solemn rites.

[Dandaka is a long sloka set to a particular metre to convey a sequence of events or to narrate events that have taken place over a period of time.]

Stage Features: 

Dandakam is a long sloka set to a particular metre to convey a sequence of events or to narrate events that have taken place over a period of time.