Oh, lotus-eyed one, please listen to my words

Story Play (Attakkatha): 

Oh, lotus-eyed one, please listen to my words,

the one with face like a moon in spring season

Oh, the one comparable to the cupid

(Kamadeva), when I see you, I am feeling

Please come near me to enjoy, oh handsome one 

Please embrace me and kiss me.Narakasura

Oh dear one, I am very pleased to hear what you said.

Stage Features: 

Seeing the way you walk, elephant approached you, mistaking for its family But seeing your hips, it mistook it for a lion and ran away and hid itself. Seeing your bosom, the chakravaka approached you, mistaking for its family But seeing your face, it mistook it for the moon and returned with the sadness of separation. Seeing your hair above your abdomen, the serpent approached you, mistaking for its family. But seeing your tress, it mistook it for peacock feathers and hides out of fear. Hearing your beautiful voice, the parrot approached you, mistaking for its family But seeing your bangles shining with gems, it mistook for a cat’s eyes and flew away. I am fortunate to be living with such a beautiful lady as my wife.


Please do not praise me like this.


It is not a false praise but true. Hears a noise … Does not care. This is not an insignificant noise. Let me go and find out. Oh dear, let me find out what the noise is. Please go to the palace.

What is this deafening noise that I hear? Is it due to the mountains flying and falling down?

No. Long back, Indra, with his Vajrayudha, has cut the wings of the mountains. So it is not the

mountains flying and falling down. What else? Is it due to the oceans overflowing?

No. The oceans would never violate the universal law.

What else? Is it due to the clouds colliding with each other?

No, it is not. Let me find out.

What is the red luminance that I see far away?

Like five or six streams running down from the peak of the blue mountain, someone is approaching soaked in blood.

A body with its nose, ears and bosom cut-off is approaching.

Is this Nakrathundi, who went to the heaven on my orders?

YES…….YES……. !!!!

Let me find out who did this to her.

Hey Nakrathundi, who did this to you?

Nakrathundi (Pakarnattam – The same actor acts as Nakrathundi)

I was travelling in the heaven and caught hold of some heavenly beauties for you. At that moment, Jayantha, son of Indra, cutoff my ears, nose and bosom. See this…..

Before I die, you please go, kill him and satisfy me with his blood and meat.

What ….. ??!!!

When you went to heaven and captured the heavenly beauties for me, the son of Indra did

this to you?


What a pity !!! I will kill him and give you his blood and flesh. Is that sufficient?Narakasura

Not satisfied? OK. I will cut-off his head and give blood to you.

Hey servant, Please take her away and take care of her. Nakrathundi leaves

Narakasura sees her leaving


Let me prepare for a war with Indra

Preparation for the war


Hey charioteer, please prepare my chariot and bring.

Hey soldier, please ask my army to be prepared and come with their respective weapons

What? The chariot is ready? Sees the chariot

There, the army men are coming with their respective weapons

One soldier is preparing his bow and arrow and bowing in front of the chieftain

One soldier is preparing his spear and bowing in front of the chieftain

One soldier is preparing his sword and shield and bowing in front of the chieftain

One soldier is preparing his dagger and bowing in front of the chieftain

Thus, all the army men have been deployed.

All of you, please leave for the heaven

Now let me prepare myself

(Thriputa melam)

Wears armour

Prepares sword

Wears the crown

Hey charioteer, please drive the chariot to the heaven.

Now, let me leave for heaven.