

Ha! your friend is the thief Krishna


Ha! your friend is the thief Krishna

an expert at deception.

The Siva you worship is no less,

a thief who swallows poison,

rides an old bull and resides on a mountain.


[A battle ensues between Arjuna and the Hunter.

As they trade fierce blow after blow the Huntress beckons the Hunter to the side and says (next padam).]


Get lost! Who are you, idiot



Lord Siva, his consort Parvathi, their son Ganapati and others enter in disguise as hunters, cast their nets and hunt animals. At this time, Mookasura, who appears as a pig on orders from Kourava Prince Duryodhana to slay Arjuna, is caught in Siva’s net.

Deciding to follow Goddess Parvathi’s words


Deciding to follow Goddess Parvathi’s words, Lord Siva, who has won over death, the destroyer of Tripura, the protector of devotees, the good-natured Lord Siva, accompanied by his wife and sons led by Ganapati, emerged with a big heart and wearing the impeccable costumes of a hunter, and thunderous sounds filled the forest. Spreading a wide net Lord Parameswara rounded off animals and hunted them down. At this time, Mookasura, who had come in a pig’s disguise on orders from Duryodhana, was trapped in the net. As Siva’s Third Eye turned red Parvathi spoke thus to Siva. 

Lord Siva




Arjuna, prior to starting his penance to Lord Siva, visits sacred waters, crosses forests, towns and mountains, prays at holy shrines and reaches the banks of River Ganga near Kailas mountains, stands on one foot, focuses his mind on Lord Siva and starts praying.
