Get lost! Who are you, idiot

Story Play (Attakkatha): 


Lord Siva, his consort Parvathi, their son Ganapati and others enter in disguise as hunters, cast their nets and hunt animals. At this time, Mookasura, who appears as a pig on orders from Kourava Prince Duryodhana to slay Arjuna, is caught in Siva’s net.

As Lord Siva was talking to Goddess Parvathi, the cruel and valiant Mookasura, disguised as a pig, cut the net and escaped with a roar. The pig runs towards Arjuna just as Lord Siva’s arrow strikes it. The pig is also struck by an arrow frantically sent by Arjuna. It falls dead in front of Arjuna. An angry Lord Siva goes to Arjuna and in a resounding voice spoke to him thus.


[Enter the Hunter and Huntress. Holding half lowered curtains, they perform thiranottam, a stylised piece used in Kathakali to introduce kathi, tadi and kari characters.

Siva and Parvathi, after donning the disguise of hunters, set out into the forest. They act out a piece set to the five-beat panchari tala to depict sharpening their weapons, casting their net, and hunting animals.

Arjuna is seen left of stage standing on one foot and immersed in his penance. Mookasura the pig, chased by The Hunter, comes running and tries to hide. He is followed by the Hunter and his retinue. As the Hunter shoots an arrow to kill the pig Arjuna also sends an arrow. This leads to a dispute as to who owns the fallen pig.]



Get lost! Who are you, idiot,

how can you try to shoot down my quarry?

If you are too clever be fearless and

engage me in battle now;

if you can’t bear it then run away.



Stage Features: 

Enter the Hunter and Huntress. Holding half lowered curtains, they perform thiranottam, a stylised piece used in Kathakali to introduce kathi, tadi and kari characters.


Siva and Parvathi, after donning the disguise of hunters, set out into the forest. They act out a piece set to the five-beat panchari tala to depict sharpening their weapons, casting their net, and hunting animals.

Arjuna is seen left of stage standing on one foot and immersed in his penance. Mookasura the pig, chased by The Hunter, comes running and tries to hide. He is followed by the Hunter and his retinue. As the Hunter shoots an arrow to kill the pig Arjuna also sends an arrow. This leads to a dispute as to who owns the fallen pig.