

O Krishna, the ocean of mercy



The beautiful moon-faced wife of the Brahmin, who is good-natured and sweet-talking, gave birth with great hopes. Her nurse happily moved to pick up the baby. Then the Brahmin’s wife found that there was no baby and started crying.

O Krishna, the ocean of mercy, did you cheat Arjuna

because of we helpless people?

O Supreme Lord, if your sister’s daughter

becomes a widow, would you like it?


The baby born with great glory was

O the boldest among the bold, O Pandava


After consoling his tired wife the Brahmin left for Krishna’s palace and spoke to Arjuna thus.

O the boldest among the bold, O Pandava
come now with me to my house.

Your glory is as white as milk, you are handsome as Kamadeva
O the killer of enemies and the most famous in the Puru clan

Isn’t it here that we met earlier
O handsome, don’t you remember
my virtuous wife has conceived again
the most joyous delivery time is nigh

My partner, I bow at your feet


Brahman, after consoling his wife that their next son will live unharmed, spent his days in prayers. In due course his wife became pregnant. When she came to full term she addressed her husband thus.

My partner, I bow at your feet
please listen to me carefully.
My pregnancy is full, delivery is imminent
it will be in the next three days, I reckon
My virtuous husband, please go and bring
Karna’s enemy Arjuna without delay



O beautiful and lotus-faced



Having listened to Arjuna’s brave words, the Brahmin told him that he will return when his wife is due to deliver and reached home; and with honeyed words he placated his grieving wife and spoke thus.


O beautiful and lotus-faced, hear my words.;

my dearest, please do not cry

Your sorrow will vanish, what we desire will

come true and bring us joy, my wife


When I went into the Yadava court with our
