

Darling, you were created (by Brahma) with all lovely things


Darling, you were created (by Brahma) with all lovely things in the world like beautiful flowers, fragrant sandal paste mixed with the moon rays (according to mythology moon-light contains the essence of 'Amurth' - nectar).

Darling, the swans are bewitched by your exquisite incomparable gait and they try to imitage you.

The beautiful autumn night arrives in its chariot.

Wearing a beautiful necklace of stars



Please come near, my dear



In the lovely evening as parrots and cuckoos sang sweetly, the beautiful Queen Dussala was sitting in the garden in grief.  Her husband, Jayadratha, the valorous king appeared and told her thus in a sweet, romantic mood;


Please come near, my dear, oh! one with honeyed lips.

Dear (you are the) embodiment all fine qualities, why are you annoyed?

Your face, always like the bright morning sky.

Now for what reason, is it disturbed and cloudy? 

This is the (evening) time to enjoy in the majestic garden with sweet love talk.