

O Crescent-crowned, please hear my words

Having listened to her father’s impious words, Sathi returned to Kailasa in haste, prostrated in front of Lord Siva and, with anger, fear and sorrow agitating her mind, spoke thus.

O Crescent-crowned, please hear my words,
my Lord, please forgive me for my insolence
Because I left without listening to your sensible words
I had to suffer all this humiliation, O Lord and Husband

O master of the world! My generous husband

After hearing the Lord’s words and after Sage Narada left, Sathi, who was keen to witness the magnificent sacrificial rites being conducted by her father, bowed to her husband and spoke thus.
O master of the world! My generous husband
please listen to my words
Please grant me this wish growing in my heart,
O protector of all dependents
With your permission I would like to go and watch

O Neelakanta, ocean of goodness

Brought up by her parents who lavished love on her, the girl Sathi grew up and became proficient in the arts and famous. Since childhood Sathi wished to have Lord Siva as her husband and did penance with that aim in mind.

O Neelakanta, ocean of goodness, Supreme Being,
victory to you, O friend of the weak
I desire to see your auburn locks,
the crescent on your head