

Not just that!, Madhava, surprising!

Not just that!, Madhava*, surprising!
whole battleground covered with- 
cluster of hairpieces of elephants and horses!
(while none were bruised)
Our's Arjuna is indeed a hero!
As the actors start enacting these verses, they perform a specific sequence of steps called 'Ashtakalasam'.
Ashtakalasam is a series of dance compositions in Kathakali performed to express the extreme state of happiness.

Unfitting prince!

Unfitting  prince! for him
this hermit outfit is a scorn.
This moment, will punish your friend-
with no memory of him (left) in the world.
Balabhadra says he will kill Arjuna in no time.

Where is Arjuna? tell...

As Brahmins were passing by saying thus, Balabhadra happen to hear them saying about Arjuna abducting Subhadra, with ever increasing anger and disgust he rushed back to the palace and spoke to his brother Krishna. 
( before enacting the verses Balabhadra does a Self Enactment given below as reference. )
Where is Arjuna? tell me!
In no time will kill the enemy (Arjuna )