

Devesa Mukunda ( Praising Vishnu )

Afterwards noticing battle field at Ravathaka Mountains, the Brahmins spoke each other cheerfully.
( First 2 lines - Praising the Lord Vishnu )
Did you hear? hey Brahmins, 
this rumour, well-known throughout this land! 
Didn't you see that Saint before?
Highly Handsome and striking! 
(he) aducted attractive Subhadra, 

You fool! What happened to your great prowess?



After hearing his wife’s sobbing words from inside the labour room, the Brahmin was devastated and fainted. Just as a fire stoked by wind, the Brahmin rose up blinded by fury and condemned Arjuna in the strongest of terms.


You fool! What happened to your great prowess?

what’s the use of your strong and beautiful

house of arrows, you pretender?


O Pandava, again and again I warned you

pointedly not to get involved in this

O the boldest among the bold, O Pandava


After consoling his tired wife the Brahmin left for Krishna’s palace and spoke to Arjuna thus.

O the boldest among the bold, O Pandava
come now with me to my house.

Your glory is as white as milk, you are handsome as Kamadeva
O the killer of enemies and the most famous in the Puru clan

Isn’t it here that we met earlier
O handsome, don’t you remember
my virtuous wife has conceived again
the most joyous delivery time is nigh
