Hey brother, the valorous one

Story Play (Attakkatha): 

Hey brother, the valorous one, may not the anger overcome you, hey the lamp of humanity and son of Wind God!!

Hey the lamp of humanity and son of the Wind God 

Do not engage in act of cowardice without thought, boy, for adventures are the abode of dangers

Adventure is also the abode of dangers


Supplementary Details: 

They have brief exchange subsequently. 

It’s a pity, I have spoken so much and still those crooks are living happily.  And you do not even have a shake in the mind.  It is a pity indeed.  Have a bit mercy in me.  Just once.    And command me.  I myself would finish off those idiotic crooks – all of them – just one command -

After the enactment, Dharmaputra bids farewell and leaves after once again consoling Bheema

This is destiny for sure. Whatever, as you desire and command,

Bheema turns and gestures “let the time com, I shall aevenge, beware!”

And with a gesture to show contempt, takes “Quadra Swift Culmination and withdraws in a peculiar style.