Hey Arjuna, your arm’s dynamism

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
Lord Indra’s charioteer, approached, the very seat of all ethics, the one who destroys enemies with the arrows sent from his gallant bow, the one who can use both hands on bow, Arjuna and considered words to convey his master’s wishes.

Hey Arjuna, your arm’s dynamism – that hails

Lord Siva, seeing your battle-efficiency, becoming happy in mind, Oh!
That is extraordinary – that divine arrow – you got – Consideing that - hails
The Kourava Princes – all of them in war – not able to defend and became clueless
At that time – you – the strong King Drupada – you cleverly tied up and presented to your teacher in contentment – (your dynamism) hails
By the powerful kings – not possible to be lifted – on that bow
You loaded five arrows at a time – and broke the target – and obtained the beautiful lady-pearl in wed-lock – Hey the one who did this valorly act – (your dynamism) hails