Hey, sweet voiced

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
Hey, sweet voiced, I consider this is my-
absolute fortune.
Hey, the crown of all those gorgeous ones,
that’s what has resulted now, considering what happened.
While in search of an unkown medicine,
a treasure string comes to your feet,
and would anyone kick it out ?
Here, come to this shrubbery,
hey cuckoo-voiced and the one with-
the gait of a lustful tusker, now-
to engage in the game of love.

Ravana pleads again, Rambha refuses and requests to let her go – several times.  Finally he forefully drags her to the bower, turns their back as if in union.  Ravana, now satisfied, comes back.  Rambha reenters and delivers the cure (that any further horny acts with another lady without consent shall result his head exploding).  Rambha departs and Ravana, not bothered, remains.



Stage Features: 

Ravana pleads again, Rambha refuses and requests to let her go – several times.  Finally he forefully drags her to the bower, turns their back as if in union.  Ravana, now satisfied, comes back.  Rambha reenters and delivers the cure (that any further horny acts with another lady without consent shall result his head exploding).  Rambha departs and Ravana, not bothered, remains.