Who among you is man enough to take me on?

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
When Yudhishtira sent the valiant Valala to the fist-fight, crowds gathered to watch it and drums and trumpets resounded in the air, Mallan bowed to the crowd and spoke proudly thus.
Mallan: (aaroru purushanaho)
Who among you is man enough to take me on?
Who is man enough here?
If there is a strong man in this world
come and face me in battle now
and see my expertise in wrestling
Some of you here are pretending
they are strong and clever fighters
but when they come near me
they realise their folly with a shudder
To engage with a dumb fighter is
something my mind won’t accept
But if someone who can match me
in strength comes for a duel
I will snuff out his pride and
send him back with no trouble at all
Reference :
After Sloka Mallan’s thiranottam followed with a short self enactment. After that the verses are enacted.