Oh, the abode of goodness! listen to me

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
At that time there was a Brahmin named Kuchela, who studied along with Sree Krishna in the hermitage of Sandeepani, a saint. 
He was very poor and never thought of acquiring wealth. One day his chaste wife puzzled by their extreme poverty, accompanied by her children approached him and spoke as follows.
"Oh, the abode of goodness! listen to me, husband,The friend to the foe of Malla! 
The best among the brahmins! Oh the noble! I am entangled with my own deeds. 
When I go to other houses begging nobody shows any sympathy. Sometimes they give some paddy that too by evening only.That is the worst part of it
You are well aware that I have no money or ornaments such as chains, earrings to sell and purchase food.
When the sun rises in the east, our children come running and catch hold of my legs crying and asking for food due to hunger.
The pains I undergo at that time cannot be described by the thousand tongued Anantha even.
Everybody knows that God Sree Krishna is your classmate and contemporary. Please go and see him happily.
Krishna, who is the enemy of demons, will solve our problems when you explain the plight we are in."