

Saying thus, Hanuman jumped from the

Saying thus, Hanuman jumped from the   top of the Mount Mahendra, rubbing against Mount Mainaka (which is said to be the son of Himalaya) with his chest on the way. On the way, he passed through  Surasa’s mouth and came out through her ear. There after he killed Simhika and  continued his journey and reached  Lanka.  


I will be present on the flag of your respected brother..

I will be present on the flag of your respected brother Arjuna.
From there, I will destroy the enemies with my ferocious roar.
After the verses Hanuman advises the strategies to be adopted to reach Vaisravana’s Mansarovar, to win over the Yaksha troupes and obtain water lillies. Bheema, with a bit of hesitation, requests to return his club entrapped in the tail.  Hanuman hands over.  Bheema bids farewell. 
