Go away from my way, without any delay
Story Play (Attakkatha):
Deciding thus, the unshakeable one (Hanuman) lied down motionless with his tail in Bheema’s way. Seeing him lying there, angry Bheema spoke thus…
Go away from my way, without any delay, you awful monkey.
Go away from my way, without any delay.
If you do not go!
Angrily, I will hold you on your neck and throw
you away, without any difficulty,and go by this way.
Hey fat money, if you lie fearlessly and lazily in my way,
I will break your body to pieces.
Stage Features:
Bheema enters, continuing the mood of the previous scene, breaking the trees, enters from right. Obstructed and found an old monkey, displays disgust and, Performs quadra-swift culmination.