Hearing these words

Story Play (Attakkatha): 
Hearing these words of instructions, Ravana becomes furious and delivered that messenger to the messenger of death.
As prescribed in the verse, Ravana beheads the messenger with his sword.  Returns and decides to teach a lesson to his half brother. 
Mobilizes the forces : Instructing the commanders, instructing his charioteer to prepare his vehicle, inspection of the chariot, etc are enaced.  At the end, withdraws enacting as if he is leading the forces for the war.
Stage Features: 

As prescribed in the verse, Ravana beheads the messenger with his sword.  Returns and decides to teach a lesson to his half brother.  Mobilizes the forces : Instructing the commanders, instructing his charioteer to prepare his vehicle, inspection of the chariot, etc are enaced.  Atg the end, withdraws enacting as if he is leading the forces for the war.


Imaginative enactments: