
ആട്ടക്കഥ രാഗം
I shall frustrate the valour of our enemies Arjjuna vishada vrutham Kedaragauda
The sun has not set Arjjuna vishada vrutham Kedaragauda
May all auspiciousness be with you Kirmmeeravadham Kedaragauda
Thereafter, the Sun-God delivers Kirmmeeravadham Kedaragauda
The one who cannot be pacified by Lord Siva Kirmmeeravadham Kedaragauda
Cowardice Bhanumathi? Karnasapatham Kedaragauda
I am going to destroy the Pramada vanam Thoranayudham Kedaragauda
As Sati spoke these words (Sloka) Dakshayagam Kedaragauda
Hey wicked demon Narakasuravadham Kedaragauda
Hey shameless, stop your words Narakasuravadham Kedaragauda
With the smoothest of foot-steps Nivathakavacha Kalakeyavadham Kedaragauda
Do not be sad Nivathakavacha Kalakeyavadham Kedaragauda
Arjuna, along with charioteer Nivathakavacha Kalakeyavadham Kedaragauda
Having said so Bakavadham Kedaragauda
Hey elder brother, depute me now Bakavadham Kedaragauda
By the command of the Rishi Bakavadham Kedaragauda
When Ghatothkacha had gone Bakavadham Kedaragauda
O comrade Raghava, please hear my words Balivadham Kedaragauda
Sugreeva, to make you feel confident Balivadham Kedaragauda
I am surprised I have an enemy Balivijayam Kedaragauda
Hearing these words Ravanavijayam Kedaragauda
Brahmin boys are always scared Lavanasuravadham Kedaragauda
Even if a hostile Indra arrives here Lavanasuravadham Kedaragauda
With our fierce arrows we can win over Lavanasuravadham Kedaragauda
You Raghava, you Rama, depraved prince Seethasvayamvaram Kedaragauda