Nivathakavacha Kalakeyavadham


Hi friend, listen to my words

The dearest friend of Urvashi, listening to the words of The first among angelic call-girls, and the one who was attracted by the son of Lord Indra, replied thus.
Hi friend, listen to my words, now, the noblest and auspicious one
The most honorable and valorous, the ideal man, the generous one he is.
If he comes, your joining with the appropriate – and so is your love for him
But, without knowing his mind, do not perceive acts of eroticism

Arujuan – His physique – By looking at it

The most gorgeous among angels, full-moon-faced Urvashi, overcame by ecstacy by seeing Arjuna,  the noble member of Moon dynasty and the one who attracts any lady, spoke thus to her girlfried.
Arujuan – His physique – By looking at! Oh!
Lord Brahma’s (The god of creation) – creative skill – relentlessly shine on him (Arjuna) – So I suspect
Once, the Lord of Love was burnt by Lord Siva, due to that
Love of God – equal to him – he (Arjuna) was created by Lord Brahma.

Paying homage to Indrani

Paying homage to Indrani, Arjuna slowly proceeded for sight-seeing. 
His sorrow was removed, and in joy filled his heart, Thereafter followed by Indrani’s eyes And he returned.
He alighted from the tall palace, walked around in various junctions and Arjuna’s handsomeness shined in places. 
All the angels became overpowered by the Lord of Love. And they all were immersed in an ovean of curiousness

Arjuna, may you be victorious

Arjuna, approached Sachee Devi and after paying homage on her feet, with tears of joy, exchanged peasantries.
Arjuna, may you be victorious, live long, listen to what I say, properly
Are you doing good, good-minded and valorous, how are those close to you?
Is the daughter of Soora (Kunthi) living happily? hey valorous, the one who equals Kusha and Lava, son

Son, Arjuna, Live Long

By making Jayanthan (the son of Indra), who was sitting nearby, envious, Indra offered to share the Divine Seat to Arjuna, and spoke to him who was contendedly positioned with closed palms.
Son, Arjuna, Live Long,
hey the very seat of all good goo qualities such as humility.

