

Oh! My dear soul



Thereafter, one Brahmin couple, embracing their childred seated on their lap, and with utmost terror from demon Baka, wept and articulated thus to ech other

Oh! My dear soul, what shall I do now here?

God’s will – could anyone obstruct that? Oh! God, God! This grief – how can I express!!

The horrendous Bakan – to take for him – there is none other than me!!

If it gets delayed a bit, like the god of death he would be seen near us


Dad, I hereby bow on your feet



The one who had the complexion of cloud with long stoud arms, he (Ghatothkacha), raising himself, spoke thus to Bheema, his father


Dad, I hereby bow on your feet, May your mercy be bestowed on me

Your mercy be bestowed on me

Faultless Command – May you issue today – hey pure hearted one, to go with mother

