
ആട്ടക്കഥ രാഗം
Due to childishness I have spoken those words Kalyanasaugandhikam Panthuvarati
This hunter knows all about you Kiratham Panthuvarati
You are staring at death Kiratham Panthuvarati
Ha! your friend is the thief Krishna Kiratham Panthuvarati
Get lost! Who are you, idiot Kiratham Panthuvarati
You mean Hunter, if you mess with me Kiratham Panthuvarati
With the troups resembling ocean Kirmmeeravadham Panthuvarati
Defend these weapons Kirmmeeravadham Panthuvarati
To women you have done like this Kirmmeeravadham Panthuvarati
The cruel arrows you are showering Kirmmeeravadham Panthuvarati
You shameless, human stupid Kirmmeeravadham Panthuvarati
Hey respectable one Kirmmeeravadham Panthuvarati
Hey demoness Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
Who has come here, you fool? Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
You will be blessed, oh great monkey Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
Hey demoness, you seem to be in a fit of rage Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
Hey puerile,hey monkey Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
I am a monkey who has come to see this city Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
You keep talking like this Thoranayudham Panthuvarati
Thus morosely watching the trees and the vine Nalacharitham First Day Panthuvarati
As and when you desire Bakavadham Panthuvarati
Who is there? Who is taking away Lavanasuravadham Panthuvarati
Without thinking why tie up the horse? Lavanasuravadham Panthuvarati
You will get the just reward for your Lavanasuravadham Panthuvarati
O son of Kusika, crown of sages Seethasvayamvaram Panthuvarati