

I am surprised I have an enemy

I am surprised I have an enemy
but come to think of it, this makes me happy.
Can any monkey stop my fists which have the power
to split rutted elephants’ foreheads!
I have vanquished the gods, is it
now possible for a monkey to defeat me?
What are we waiting for? Let’s go now and
capture that senseless creature.

O you have eyes like lotus petals

When Indra’s disgrace became public knowledge the merciless King Ravana was delighted and anointed his son as the Crown Prince. Ravana lustfully addressed his wife Mandodari thus.
O you have eyes like lotus petals
face like the autumn moon
a gait that puts to shame a herd of elephants
and teeth like jasmine buds.
My twenty arms and ten heads

Hearing these words

Hearing these words of instructions, Ravana becomes furious and delivered that messenger to the messenger of death.
As prescribed in the verse, Ravana beheads the messenger with his sword.  Returns and decides to teach a lesson to his half brother. 

Hey the crown of Rakshasas

While charming his companion with a variety of passionate acts and while retiring to satisfied relaxation, a messenger deputed by Vaishravana, came near him and conveyed in all humility
Hey the crown of Rakshasas, Listen, the message of the king of kings,
without hesitation, hey the valorous!
The words that came out meticulously from him, I shall convey that
In total self dedication to Lord Siva,
after relinquishing Lanka, and by His kindness, happily

Lotus eyed

In the pleasantly sunlit private quarters, Ravana led his passionate wife, and spoke to her, his life partner.

May you be blessed


May you be blessed – Hey the famous, valorous great one

The noble one you are – who killed the powerful demon – Now on, we do not have concerns

The most horrible Bakan – You brought death to him – We shall reciprocate with blessing – What else we could do


Hey the king of demons, come



The courageous Bheema, after consuming the food offered by the Brahmins, boarded the vehicle with oxes and filled with foodstuff, made up with red garland and other perfumes, entered the demon’s woods and eating the laatter’s food, challenged him.

Hey the king of demons, come, the king of demons

Hey, the king of demons, Come, properly, the enemy of gods, the night-walking crooked, do not have any foul thoughts – forever

Enjoying you would leave – do not have any such thoughts – you illhearted demon

Hey noble Brahmin, tell me



Hearing these aggrieved scream of the Brahmins with children, the ever-so kind hearted Kunthi, spoke thus to the couple.

Hey noble Brahmin, tell me the reason for your grief

Along with this lady, you week in grief – why?  Am curious to know that at once

Hey noble Brahmin, tell me, the reason for this sorrow


Hey, the ocean of great valor



As Kirmeera was killed, his companions ran away hither-thither.  The rejoiced Rishis came and congratulated Bheema


Hey, the ocean of great valor – our worries have been removed – hey, noble-minded

The one with powerful arms – you shall always have auspiciousness

The inimitable demons – You killed them in the battle - Due to that we can stay in the forest in peace

Performing godly sacrifices here – we – near the curvy shores of River Ganges – We shall live happily


You shameless, human stupid


You shameless, human stupid, On this vast chest of yours,

Group of weapons would dance around

Defend these weapons, you human-bloody!!, defend these weapons



[After the padam, battle routine.  In the ensuing battle, Bheema kills Kirmeera by hitting on the chest.]
